Islamic Republic of Iran

  • Rhetoric

Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002

“The U.S. is currently leveling baseless accusations against the Islamic Republic. We are proud of this, as we will never welcome praise and admiration from the most hated and the most evil regime in the world.” “Leader's Statements in a Meeting with Participants in IWMC,” The Center for preserving and Publishing the Works of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002,

Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002

“The Zionists have long been trying to dominate and take control of the world media in order to change the international atmosphere in their own favor by airing pro-Zionist propaganda, and this is what they have already done.” “Leader's Statements in a Meeting with Participants in IWMC,” The Center for preserving and Publishing the Works of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002,

Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002

“Furthermore, all the Western politicians, intellectuals and journalists are obliged to pay homage and bow to the monument that commemorates those allegedly killed in the Nazi concentration camps. In other words, all should acknowledge the veracity of something that has not been proven!” “Leader's Statements in a Meeting with Participants in IWMC,” The Center for preserving and Publishing the Works of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002,

Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002

“Ever since the emergence of the cancerous tumor of Zionism in Palestine, the Western countries have been acting in collusion with the Zionist regime. In other words, Israel has been tasked with protecting the regional interests of the Western powers by posing a constant threat to the security of the Islamic countries in the region. And the Western countries, in return, have pledged to fully support this cancerous tumor. Today, it is the United States that is playing a major role in supporting the Zionist entity.” “Leader's Statements in a Meeting with Participants in IWMC,” The Center for preserving and Publishing the Works of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002,

Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002

“The U.S. officials are now revealing their true nature. In his recent speech, the U.S. president spoke like a person who is thirsty for the blood of human beings! He threatened and leveled baseless accusations against other governments and nations. Considering the existing realities on the ground, most of the nations in the world have now come to the conclusion that the U.S. is really the Great Satan. This belief is also substantiated by concrete evidence.” “Leader's Statements in a Meeting with Participants in IWMC,” The Center for preserving and Publishing the Works of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002,

Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002

“Those at the helm in Washington have no sense of spirituality and have no respect for human rights. If they can, they will deal in the most brutal manner with those nations that refuse to submit to their domination and refuse to bend the knee to them.” “Leader's Statements in a Meeting with Participants in IWMC,” The Center for preserving and Publishing the Works of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, January 31, 2002,

Ali Khamenei, November 4, 1999

“Zionists are the main policy makers of America and the problem is that Iran is the biggest and most important center of confrontation with Israel.” John F. Burns, “Ayatollah Rebukes Iran Liberals and U.S.,” New York Times, November 4, 1999,

Ali Khamenei, November 4, 1999

“It is very clear today that America has no other fate in mind for us today than before the revolution, that of submission, and obviously we will fight that.” John F. Burns, “Ayatollah Rebukes Iran Liberals and U.S.,” New York Times, November 4, 1999,

Ali Khamenei, January 16, 1998

“They ask, ‘Why do you call us the Great Satan?’ What does Satan mean? If you don't do satanic acts, then we will stop calling you that.”Elaine Sciolino, “Chief Iranian Cleric Assails Washington But Backs Overture,” New York Times, January 17, 1998,

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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