
  • Rhetoric

Abdul Alim Musa, January 9, 2015

“[The U.S., Israel, and Saudi Arabia must be held accountable for ISIS because] they created these groups from very beginning.”“US, allies must be held accountable for ISIL terrorism: Analyst,” Press TV, January 9, 2015,

Abdul Alim Musa, Interview with the Iranian state-owned news outlet Press TV, August 16, 2014

Press TV: “In one minute, tell me, if this is the reality on the ground for African-Americans and obviously Muslim-Americans in the United States, what is the key then to change this reality? What has to be done?”

Abdul Alim Musa: “We have to have serious unity. The Muslims have to focus on affecting the direction of change. They are frightening the Muslims and the Muslims are too afraid to speak out for themselves. Those of us who speak out become an automatic target. But we have to speak out all together [sic] and we have to challenge our oppression. If we don’t challenge our oppression, then they’ll keep on doing it. We want to thank all the people of the Islamic Republic for supporting us here in America, and we thank you Press TV.” (Interview with the Iranian state-owned news outlet Press TV)“Muslim unity challenges US oppression: Abdul Alim Musa,” Press TV, August 16, 2014,

Abdul Alim Musa, Interview with the Iranian state-owned news outlet Press TV, May 29, 2014

“We view Islamophobia from the position of what we call the ‘Triangle of Terror.’ The Triangle of Terror in the world today relates to, number one, the United States’ government. When the triangle wants to invade our countries, like Iraq or Afghanistan, in a military way, it’s done by the United States of America.

Number two is the Zionist state of Israel and its media outlets all over the world; that is ‘image management,’ that is ‘perception management.’ It is the Zionists giving a picture of Islam and Muslims that justifies the invasion by the United States of Muslim peoples.

And number three is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the inter-fitna initiator amongst the Muslims. Whether we have bombings and killings of Shia centers in Iraq; whether we have the support of murderous, barbarous Takfiri forces in Syria fighting against the government; where there is bombings in Pakistan; where there is websites; where there is Saudi Arabian support of the regime in Bahrain.” (Interview with the Iranian state-owned news outlet Press TV)“‘Triangle of Terror’ spreads Islamophobia - mosque imam,” Panorama Am, May 29, 2014,

Abdul Alim Musa, June 4, 2010

“The whole Western world is out against Islam.”“Sabiqun and Anti-Semitism on Campus,” Anti-Defamation League, September 11, 2009,

Abdul Alim Musa, Television debate between Alim Musa and George Mason University Professor Jack Goldstone, aired on Iranian state-owned Press TV, January 5, 2010

“If you go back for the last 20 years, from the first World Trade Center bombing in ‘93... This is our view, from those who... We said it then, and we say it now, and this is the belief in the Muslim world: 90% of the bombing plots- or this plot or that plot- we believe is done by and with the help and the aid of Mossad, and the United States government. This is our experience.” (Television debate between Alim Musa and George Mason University Professor Jack Goldstone, aired on Iranian state-owned Press TV)“Washington DC Imam Abdul Alim Musa: Attempted Christmas Day Plane Bombing - the Work of US Government and the Mossad,” MEMRI, January 5, 2010,

Abdul Alim Musa, Television debate between Alim Musa and George Mason University Professor Jack Goldstone, aired on Iranian state-owned Press TV, January 5, 2010

Abdul Alim Musa: “We have ‘CIA Patterns of Deception,’ ‘Zionist Control of Media,’ ‘Babylon the Great’- these are years old- ‘Bush the Unifier’… Our belief has always been, since 1993, and we’ve done TV programs on it- that the United States government... Who do you talk about? You talk about Al-Qaeda. Where did Al-Qaeda come from? Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden, and all that- those are US friends.”

Interviewer: “But why would the US do this to its own people?”

Abdul Alim Musa: “In order to control them.” (Television debate between Alim Musa and George Mason University Professor Jack Goldstone, aired on Iranian state-owned Press TV)“Washington DC Imam Abdul Alim Musa: Attempted Christmas Day Plane Bombing - the Work of US Government and the Mossad,” MEMRI, January 5, 2010,

Abdul Alim Musa, Speaking to the Muslim Student Association at the University of California, Irvine, May 9, 2007

“Who ran the slave trade…who funded [it]? You'll study and you will find out: the Jews…It was the Jewish bankers…in Vienna, with pockets full of money, funding and insuring, that’s who did it…you can't tell us about no holocaust. Between the African Americans and the Native Americans, everybody else’s stuff was small potatoes.” (Speaking to the Muslim Student Association at the University of California, Irvine)“Sabiqun and Anti-Semitism on Campus,” Anti-Defamation League, September 11, 2009,

Abdul Alim Musa, Speaking on Hannity, Fox News, 2007

“Hezbollah is a great movement and a great organization.” (Speaking on Hannity, Fox News)“Imam Musa on Hannity,” YouTube Video, 00:57, Posted by “mjohnson202,” October 3, 2007,

Abdul Alim Musa, Speaking on Hannity, Fox News, 2007

“Hamas just means enthusiasm. I know Hamas. They are nice people, very nice people.”(Speaking on Hannity, Fox News)“Imam Musa on Hannity,” YouTube Video, 00:57, Posted by “mjohnson202,” October 3, 2007,

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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