Lucas Gage, February 11, 2024

Feb. 11, 2024

“If you want to be holy, you must serve God. What does it mean to serve God? Does it mean to be selfish and cause harm to others, or does it mean be selfless and help others?

“We know the Jews are unholy, for they are obsessed with themselves and have put themselves above humanity. Do they serve God? No. They serve their own interests, hoarding wealth, power, and corrupting those of us who want to bring communal peace. In fact, their religion is not to serve humanity, but to rule humanity for their god, which in my view, is not THE God, but some kind of demon LARPing as God.

“For no god worthy of worship would ask of the things he asked of the Jews. He would not be ‘jealous’ or have ‘wrath,’ nor would he fear his creations to go astray. He would not need sacrifices, nor strange rituals to have his creations prove they love him; all of these things are signs of an insecure, impotent god; one who does not master the cosmos and wants to control his creations.

“This may offend many, but it is clear to me that the god of Abraham is the one who challenged Almighty God for this throne: LUCIFER, who wanted to be like God. And was it not his envy/jealousy that drove him to insist he could be like God? Who else would be so insecure, to demand worship and his creations to do such horrific things in his name?

“No. The god I believe in is like the Tao; it asks for nothing and gives eternally. It has no fear and loves everything, but does not lord over these things. The god I believe in is no tyrant.” (Gab)“Lucas_Gage_,” Gab post, February 11, 2024,

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Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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