Lucas Gage, February 8, 2024

Feb. 8, 2024

“They say, oh it’s Zionism! No. It’s Judaism and it’s Jews! Jews for thousands of years have been kicked out of 89 countries 109 times. Why do I have to repeat that all the time? Why aren’t you getting it? It’s not Zionists, 89 countries, 109 times, because Zionism didn’t exist! Until 1897! It’s Jews! Jews right now! It’s Jews running Hollywood, academia, our foreign policy! Not Zionists. Leftwing Jews in Hollywood—it’s leftwing. They’re not conservative, they’re leftwing Jews—open-borders society, all this bullshit, wokeness—they’re destroying things in Hollywood! The neo-con Zionists on the right—they’re the ones destroying things in the Middle East. They’re everywhere! They’re on the left and the right! You can’t escape it! They control all sides! That’s the Jewish problem! And they control all sides to enrich themselves, to empower their people over yours! And they don’t identify as you! It’s literally an alien hostile force among your people! And they don’t belong here! That’s the truth!

“That is the truth. Because Jews are an ethnocentric religious group. Even when they’re not religious, they’re still an ethnicity. They’re not like Muslims or anyone else. Anyone can be a Muslim! Anyone can be Christian! Anyone can be Hindu! Anyone can be an atheist! But even an atheist Jew is an atheist Jew! He’s still a Jew! Even when he’s not religious! And the solution to this problem is to remove Jews from power! They don’t belong there. And they don’t deserve it. Had they taken their power and benefited all humanity, including the people they live among—especially the people they live among—then there’d be no problem. But the Jewish problem is they don’t! They literally harm the people around them and they create laws that protect themselves while they’re harming the people around them. From the people that they’re harming. That’s the Jewish problem and that’s why Jews are the problem and have to be dealt with accordingly!

“What does this mean? Hurt people? No. It’s literally a massive boycott of all Jewish everything. They don’t deserve to be in power. They have to be removed.”“It’s the ‘Jèwish Problem,’ not ‘Zionist Problem.,’” Rumble video, 13:04, posted by “Lucas Gage,” February 8, 2024,

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Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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