Daily Dose



On February 17, 2020, the Taliban ambushed a security post in Kunduz, killing 15 soldiers and wounding three others. The Taliban later launched a mortar attack, killing one person and wounding eight others. 
In their own words
...now it is up to Washington and the rest of the world to provide a single piece of evidence that they were harmed by an attack launched from Afghan soil. Nobody has been harmed. We promised that Afghan soil would not be used to harm others. We are committed to the Doha agreement and the government controls Afghanistan in its entirety.


On February 15, 2018, suspected al-Shabaab fighters killed three teachers at a primary school in Qarsa, Wajir County near Kenya’s border with Somalia.    
In their own words
It was our martyr Muhammad Abu Anas who first discovered a dolphin that the enemy [Israel] used to hunt down members of our naval forces at sea, and it was he who first removed devices attached to the dolphin, that were meant to kill members of the Al-Qassam Brigades’ naval forces.
Hamas military wing Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Propaganda video titled Hawks of the Coast Jan. 8. 2022


On February 14, 2019, a suicide car bomber rammed an explosive-laden vehicle into a convoy carrying Indian security personnel in Pulwama district, Jammu and Kashmir. The attack killed 40 people and injured 35 others. Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility.   


On February 10, 2020, suspected Boko Haram or ISWAP militants set several trucks carrying passengers on fire in Auno, Borno State. The attack killed at least 30. The trucks had been stranded at a military checkpoint due to a curfew set by the military.
In their own words
Today it is clear that the U.N. is working to ignite civil war in Iraq. This is clear. There is evidence and proof of what the U.N. team is doing in Iraq.


On February 8, 2020, an assailant dressed in an Afghan army uniform opened fire on a U.S.-Afghan joint operation, killing one Afghan soldier and two American soldiers, and wounding six others. No group claimed responsibility, though U.S. and Afghan forces were fighting both the Taliban and ISIS in the area, Nangarhar province.
In their own words
Every single country in Europe deported the Jews, because they spread corruption in those countries, controlled their money, exploited their economies for their own benefit, and collaborated with the enemy in times of war.
Mahmoud Zahar, Hamas co-founder and senior official Apr. 10, 2021

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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