Daily Dose

In their own words
2 years ago, I lost a friend, Iran a hero & the world a champion in fighting terrorism. To those in denial, Trump's true colors were on full display only a year later in US Capitol. The world needs brave fighters like #Soleimani—not coward warmongers like Trump, Netanyahu & Co.


On January 9, 2019, militants from ISIS in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) attacked a military outpost in Tillabéri Region’s Chinagodrar, near Niger’s border with Mali. The assailants killed 89 soldiers and injured six others


On January 6, 2019, Taliban fighters killed at least 21 security personnel on a military base in Qadis district and a police checkpoint in Ab Kamis district of Afghanistan’s Baghdis Province.
In their own words
The United Nations was created by the victorious powers in the Second World War with the aim of imposing a political system and doctrine on the entire world, and with a view to establishing their hegemony over the rest of mankind.
Ayman al-Zawahiri


On January 5, 2017, individuals allegedly associated with Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM)-Sweden detonated homemade bombs outside of a refugee lodging center in Gothenburg, injuring an immigration officer.  
In their own words
This heavy pressure that is exerted on the Americans is the result of (Soleimani’s) blood. They should be held accountable.


On January 4, 2017, 100 gunmen attacked the North Cotabato District Jail in Kidapawan, southern Philippines, freeing at least 158 inmates. Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters was suspected of carrying out the attack  


On December 31, 2016, two bombs tore through a busy market in al-Sinaq, central Baghdad, killing at least 28 people and wounding more than 50 others. ISIS claimed responsibility, confirming a pair of suicide bombers carried out the attack.    
In their own words
We will allow women to continue studying as long as it is done in keeping with sharia law.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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