Daily Dose



On August 4, 2019, an incendiary-laden car exploded after colliding with three other vehicles in downtown Cairo, killing at least 20 people and wounding 47. The Egyptian government claimed the car was on its way to carry out an attack elsewhere in the city and blamed militant group Hasm.
In their own words
We should stop being afraid of the Americans and stop taking them into consideration. Lebanon should decide that ships loaded with gasoline and diesel fuel will sail from Iran to Lebanon.


On August 2, 2020, ISIS militants attacked a prison in Jalalabad, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. A battle with Afghan soldiers ensued and lasted approximately 20 hours, leaving 29 people slain and 50 others wounded.   


On July 31, 2018, an explosives-laden van detonated at a military checkpoint in Lamitan, Basilan in the southern Philippines, killing a suspected bomber and nine people. 
In their own words
I don’t believe that someone like me can ever have a fair trial. So don’t read too much into the fact that I’ve been convicted of this or that


On July 28, 2017, Palestinian asylum seeker Ahmad Alhaw killed one man and injured six others in a stabbing rampage at a supermarket in Hamburg, Germany. The 27-year-old suspect did not identify as a member of any terrorist organization, but reportedly self-radicalized and viewed ISIS propaganda videos online. 
In their own words
The political establishment has made an entire generation of young white men and women into fascists, and that’s a beautiful thing!


On July 26, 2018, Boko Haram fighters attacked a Nigerian military base and a police station in Jakana, a village close to Maiduguri, leaving hundreds either dead, captured, or missing. 


On July 23, 2016, two suicide bombers targeted members of Afghanistan’s Hazara ethnic minority who were demonstrating in Kabul. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed at least 97 people and injured 260 others. 

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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