Daily Dose

In their own words
As far as humans are concerned, western Europeans are top tier. Mixing lower raсes with the higher raсes always causes problems. The lower raсes love it, because they want to benefit from societies built by top tier whites. But once the lower raсes become dominant in numbers, the societies will crumble and turn to ѕhit.
User ‘KoolHitler’ post on Incels.net Oct. 3, 2020


On May 3, 2019, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) snipers wounded two Israeli soldiers along the Gaza border. The incident sparked a three-day-long exchange of rocket fire and airstrikes, during which PIJ and Hamas launched 700 rockets into Israel. 


On April 30, 2018, two suicide bombers detonated their explosives near government buildings in central Kabul, Afghanistan, killing at least 29 people and injuring 50. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. 
In their own words
White race-conscious National Socialists hear the globalist lackeys’ desire for diversity, and remind everyone that a racially mixed population is anything but diverse.
Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM), NRM website editorial staff Mar. 31, 2021


On April 28, 2020, a fuel tanker rigged with a grenade exploded near a crowded marketplace in Afrin, Syria, killing at least 53 people, including 11 children and six Turkish-allied fighters. Turkey’s government blamed the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) for the attack.
In their own words
They’re making money now plotting to give seven billion five hundred million people a vaccination. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Melinda, you want to depopulate the earth? … That’s why your world is coming to an end quickly because you have sentenced billions to death. But God is now sentencing you to the death that you are sentencing to others.


On April 26, 2017, Taliban fighters clashed with their ISIS rivals in Afghanistan’s northern Jawzjan province, leaving 76 Taliban militants dead and 15 dead from ISIS.


On April 22, 2018, an ISIS suicide bomb attack at a voter registration center in Kabul killed 69 people and injured 120 others. The casualties were all civilians, most of whom were waiting to apply for IDs to vote in upcoming Afghan elections.. 
In their own words
Through war and violence, we can see the betterment of our race and the proper and healthy growth of our race.
Tim Turtle, National Socialist Order member Nov. 19, 2020

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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