CEP in the News


März 10, 2021

CEP "U.S. White Supremacy Groups" report referenced: "The Counter-Terrorism Project (n.d) alleges white supremacists subscribe to neo-Nazi beliefs that the whites are superior to other races."


März 9, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Dr. Hany Farid quoted regarding U.S. lawmakers' proposed targeted changes to Section 230: "I think we want to take as modest of a step as possible. Give it a year or two, see how it unfolds and make adjustments."


März 8, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Dr. Hany Farid quoted: "To Farid, the choice for tech companies was simple: automatically filter out the mass quantities of obviously abhorrent content using hashing technology like PhotoDNA and worry about the gray areas later."


März 7, 2021

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen and Deputy Director Lara Pham write: "Such calls for enhanced legal authority may seem understandable when viewed in the context of the aftermath of senseless, tragic attacks. However, U.S. laws treat foreign...


März 3, 2021

"According to Joshua Fisher-Birch, a terrorism analyst at the Counter Extremism Project who specializes in groups like the Base, Watkins is a true radical. 'Watkins’ alleged crimes, as well as messages and videos attributed to him, show him as...


März 2, 2021

"'We have not been looking at this problem with the same goggles as we have with jihadist groups, but now that we have started to do so, we realize that far-right groups can use the same organized crime methodologies to finance their activities,'...


Februar 28, 2021

CEP Senior Director Hans-Jakob Schindler discussed the threat posed by an increasingly transnational far-right extremism, including those driven by white supremacist ideologies such as the "Great Replacement" theory, and the need for cross-border...


Februar 22, 2021

"According to the Counter Extremism Project, representatives of far-right groups like Alternative für Deutschland in Germany and Lega Nord in Italy have won support in national elections in recent years by pushing anti-immigrant rhetoric. Other...


Februar 22, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Alexander Ritzmann writes: "At the regional or municipal level, there are some positive examples across the EU – particularly in Germany – of how activities of violence-oriented right-wing extremists can be disrupted, eg, through...


Februar 19, 2021

"Joshua Fisher-Birch, a senior analyst at the New York-headquartered Counter Extremism Project who had previously called for the podcast to be taken down, welcomed the move. 'It’s a positive step that PodOmatic has decided to stop hosting Rundo and...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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