CEP in the News


März 31, 2021

CEP research referenced: "Organizacija je osnovana 2017. godine u Kaliforniji i isprva je u nazivu sadržavala borilačke vještine i krajnju desnicu. Prema pisanju Counter Extremism Projecta (CEP), Rundo je izjavio kako je organizaciju osnovao jer su...


März 31, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Ian Acheson writes: "The evidence is overwhelming that the medium plays a role in turning alienation and grievance into violent action. Some of the accelerant is provided by Big Techs’s cash cow – the algorithms that analyse the...


März 30, 2021

CEP research referenced: "L'ONG américaine Counter extremism project (CEP) avait remarqué unerésurgence de vidéos de propagande de l'État islamique sous-titrée en Français, troisjours avant l'attaque. L'une d'elles, baptisée «Être absorbé devant ton...


März 30, 2021

"Dr Marc Hecker, of the French Institute of International Relations, said the project was 'bearing fruit' and called for its expansion. 'There is no single case of terrorism recidivism out of 64 convicted terrorists,' he told a webinar hosted by the...


März 30, 2021

CEP research referenced: "According to the Counter Extremism Project, the Rise Above Movement was founded by Rundo in 2017 as a 'white supremacist gang' involving mixed martial arts fighters. The Counter Extremism Project said that Rise Above...


März 30, 2021

"A key security partner in the war on terror and a principal engine of economic development on the African continent—is being critically undermined by illicit trade, according to the new report An Unholy Alliance: Links Between Extremism and Illicit...


März 30, 2021

"Sir Ivor Roberts, CEP senior advisor and author of the report, outlined the difficulties faced by the region: 'As illicit trade networks continue to expand and mature in their sophistication, the cost to East African society has been enormous. At...


März 30, 2021

CEP reoprt referenced: "Van Roberts hand verscheen dinsdag het rapport An Unholy Alliance van het Counter Extremism Project, over de illegale handel aan de Oost-Afrikaanse kust als financiering van terroristische groepen, zoals Al-Shabaab in Somalië...


März 30, 2021

CEP research referenced: "Organizacija je osnovana 2017. godine u Kaliforniji i isprva je u nazivu sadržavala borilačke vještine i krajnju desnicu. Prema pisanju Counter Extremism Projecta (CEP), Rundo je izjavio kako je organizaciju osnovao jer su...


März 30, 2021

CEP research referenced: "Organizacija je osnovana 2017. godine u Kaliforniji i isprva je u nazivu sadržavala borilačke vještine i krajnju desnicu. Prema pisanju Counter Extremism Projecta (CEP), Rundo je izjavio kako je organizaciju osnovao jer su...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded southern Israel where, in the space of eight hours, hundreds of armed terrorists perpetrated mass crimes of brutality, rape, and torture against men, women and children. In the biggest attack on Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust, 1,200 were killed, and 251 were taken hostage into Gaza—where 101 remain. One year on, antisemitic incidents have increased by record numbers. 

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