CEP in the News


Juni 2, 2023

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen and CEP Senior Advisor Lucinda Creighton writes: "The Christchurch Call is a commendable initiative that can fulfill its initial promise. We cannot continue to sit back and hope the problem of online extremist media...


Juni 1, 2023

CEP Senior Advisor Ian Acheson writes: "The real reason that Prevent could never gain traction within Northern Ireland is because there is a hierarchy of violent extremism which cannot be disturbed because of the political demographics and cultural...


Mai 31, 2023

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed: "I would say it's a very significant operation because it really shows how deep the support networks for the Islamic State in Germany still run. It is a financial network that openly collected...


Mai 29, 2023

CEP Strategic Advisor writes: "The rumblings began before the book was even published. When the book came out in January though, Bergeaud-Blackler, no stranger to sensitive subjects, could not have anticipated the response. The denunciations came...


Mai 26, 2023

CEP Research Analyst Gregory Waters interviewed: "This attack occurred in an area outside Sukhnah that has, according to security forces, long been controlled by ISIS, for many years. The fact that they were in an area controlled by ISIS supports the...


Mai 23, 2023

CEP Strategic Advisor Liam Duffy writes: "In other ways, Lee Rigby’s murder was the kind of gruesome spectacle that al-Qaeda’s leadership would later warn against, but which Islamic State would make their hallmark. A gruesome spectacle, but a shoddy...


Mai 19, 2023

"'In 2021, ISIS-K was reduced to a couple of cells in the country and a very tiny, small stronghold in Kunar Province, and that was it. However, in the less than stellar handover procedure, in that chaos, the Taliban opened the prisons, including...


Mai 17, 2023

"On this week’s episode of The Hunt with WTOP national security correspondent J.J. Green, Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, Sr. Director at the Counter Extremism Project, says some of the content discusses a “race war” in the U.S." "This is material that is...


Mai 17, 2023

"Liam Duffy, an adviser to the Counter Extremism Project, said Islamist extremists should be perceived as 'more than a terrorist threat'. He said the UK should not fall into complacency despite no deaths from terrorism being recorded last year....


Mai 14, 2023

"The PIJ is a Palestinian terrorist organisation committed to the destruction of Israel, says think tank Counter Extremism Project (CEP). 'PIJ is dedicated to eradicating Israel and establishing an autonomous Islamic Palestinian state in the lands...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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