CEP in the News


August 2, 2022

CEP Advisory Board Member Nathan Sales quoted: "'Zawahiri’s presence in post-withdrawal Afghanistan suggests that, as feared, the Taliban is once more granting safe haven to the leaders of al-Qaeda — a group with which it has never broken,' said...


August 2, 2022

CEP Advisory Board Member Nathan Sales quoted: "'We know that Al Qaeda has had operational and leadership figures in Pakistan. We know they also had operational and leadership figures in Iran,' said former coordinator for counterterrorism Nathan A...


August 2, 2022

CEP Advisory Board Member Nathan Sales quoted: "'Zawahri’s presence in post-withdrawal Afghanistan suggests that, as feared, the Taliban is once more granting safe haven to the leaders of al-Qaida – a group with which it has never broken,' said...


August 2, 2022

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler radio interview: "Eine Drohne der CIA hat Bin-Laden-Nachfolger Al-Sawahiri in Afghanistan getötet. Nach Ansicht des Terrorismus-Experten Hans-Jakob Schindler bedeutet das aber noch lange nicht das Ende von...


August 2, 2022

CEP Advisory Board Member Ambassador Nathan Sales: "'Nathan Sales, who previously served as ambassador-at-large and coordinator for counterterrorism, called the strike 'a great counterterrorism success' in an interview with the Washington Examiner...


August 2, 2022

"At the time of the drone strike, Zawahiri was sitting on the balcony of the house where he was hiding with his family in the center of the Afghan capital of Kabul. The home was owned by Sirajuddin Haqqani, “who is not only the leader of the Haqqani...


August 1, 2022

He “is not interested in fighting in the mountains. He thinks more internationally“, said of him Hamid Mir, biographer of Bin Laden, quoted by the think tank Counter-Extremism Project (CEP). With him, in fact, “Al-Qaeda has become increasingly...


Juli 29, 2022

CEP Senior Advisor Dr. Hany Farid quoted: "'The difference in Biden’s overall appearance between the two videos appears to be just a result of different lighting in the room'” Hany Farid, image forensics expert and professor at University of...


Juli 27, 2022

"On this week’s episode of 'The Hunt with WTOP National Security Correspondent J.J. Green,' Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project, says GIFCT, founded by Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter is not doing all it...

The National


Juli 25, 2022

"Dr Hans-Jakob Schindler, at the Counter Extremism Project, said: 'Fraudulent identity documents and passports continue to present a serious security challenge.' ... Dr Schindler explained how the forgeries can be used. 'These facilitate the movement...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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