CEP in the News


Mai 24, 2022

"According to Dr. Hans Jakob-Schindler from the international policy organisation, Counter Extremism Project, far-right webshops are 'one of a range of methods by which the overall movement is financing itself.' Such operations have two distinct...


Mai 19, 2022

CEP Senior Advisor Dr. Hany Farid interviewed: "It’s a problem of collaboration across the industry and it’s a problem of the underlying technology. And if this was the first time it happened, I’d understand. But this is not, this is not the 10th...


Mai 18, 2022

"On this week’s edition of 'The Hunt with WTOP National Security correspondent JJ Green,' Dr. Hans Jakob-Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project, discusses the link between the Buffalo, New York, shooting and the Christchurch, New...


Mai 18, 2022

"David Daoud, the expert on Hezbollah of the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) stresses that the group’s influence within Lebanon is a critical factor that would undermine chances of genuine economic and governmental reform..."


Mai 17, 2022

"He has links to Al Islah, the Somali branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The group claims to reject violence in pursuit of an Islamic state, the Counter Extremism Project said. But the technocrat's term was marked by corruption scandals and political...


Mai 17, 2022

“The ‘Great Replacement’ is most popular among extremist groups, according to The Counter Extremism Project, a nonprofit and non-partisan organization that studies extremist ideologies.”


Mai 17, 2022

“‘The theory had existed in other forms,’ Josh Lipowsky, senior research analyst for the nonprofit Counter Extremism Project, told Grid, ‘but [Camus’ book] really brought it to the forefront, and we saw several groups latching on to it.’”


Mai 16, 2022

“David Daoud, the expert on Hezbollah of the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) stresses that the group’s influence within Lebanon is a critical factor that would undermine chances of genuine economic and governmental reform and says, 'Through its...


Mai 12, 2022

"First tipped to the channel’s existence by U.S.-based research group the Counter Extremism Project, one source familiar with the channel said law enforcement was aware of it and investigating. The FBI said it declined to comment on the channel, and...


Mai 6, 2022

“(Members) view themselves as rebels who are opposed to the system in all the forms,” said Joshua Fisher-Birch, a researcher with the Counter Extremism Project. “When people are looking at various extreme right and neo-Nazi ideologies, Atomwaffen is...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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