Press Releases

Press Release

Mai 23, 2019

Tech & Terrorism: Facebook Spin Machine Goes Into Overdrive

Earlier this month, an Associated Press investigation exposed whistleblower claims made to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleging that Facebook mislead the public about its 99 percent extremist content removal rate. The whistleblower...

Press Release

Mai 22, 2019

John Walker Lindh’s Release Raises an Opportunity & Risk

Tomorrow marks the release of John Walker Lindh , an American captured in Afghanistan while fighting for the Taliban just after the September 11 terrorist attacks. CEP has warned of the societal crisis facing America as more jihadist convicts like...

Press Release

Mai 22, 2019

CEP’s Dr. Hany Farid: “Blame has to be with the Social Media Companies that are Designed to Promote” Fake News

CEP today released the f ifth of a nine-part video series featuring CEP Senior Adviser Dr. Hany Farid, titled "Fake News." Dr. Farid asserts that the blame for the proliferation of fake news online has to be shouldered squarely by tech companies like...

Press Release

Mai 20, 2019

Extremist Content Online: Atomwaffen Division Continues Uploads on YouTube

CEP reports weekly on the methods used by extremists to exploit the Internet and social media platforms to recruit followers and incite violence. This week’s edition finds that several tech companies, including Google-owned YouTube, have failed to...

Press Release

Mai 20, 2019

Zuckerberg’s 99 Percent Myth: Extremist Content Removal Claims False & Misleading

Since 2017, Facebook has announced to the public, shareholders and the U.S. Congress that it removes “99 percent” of Al Qaeda and ISIS-related content from its platforms. However, a recent Associated Press investigation into Whistleblower claims to...

Press Release

Mai 17, 2019

Facebook’s Belated Response to Christchurch Massacre Mirrors Previous Reactive Policy Changes

A day ahead of the launch of the Christchurch Call to Action in Paris, a voluntary commitment by governments and tech companies to combat online extremism, Facebook announced new policies concerning the misuse of Facebook Live. Facebook’s attempt to...

Press Release

Mai 16, 2019

CEP’s Dr. Hany Farid: Tech Companies Have Failed “To Recognize Abuses on Their Platform”

CEP today released the fourth of a nine-part video series featuring CEP Senior Adviser Dr. Hany Farid. In this week’s video, titled “Misuse ,” Dr. Farid states that tech companies have time and again failed to recognize misuses of their platform by...

Press Release

Mai 15, 2019

Christchurch Call Must Be Backed by Laws and Regulations to Force Tech to Eliminate Extremism and Terrorism Online

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen issued a statement today supporting the 'Christchurch Call,' but cautioning that a voluntary approach is not enough when it comes to removing terrorist content and hate speech from social media. The statement read...

Press Release

Mai 13, 2019

Whistleblower Finds Facebook Deceived Public on Claims of Extremist Content Removal

According to a whistleblower’s complaint to the S ecurities and Exchange Commission, Facebook has been misleading the public and its shareholders about the efficacy of its content moderation efforts. CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified in April t hat...

Press Release

Mai 9, 2019

CEP Statement on “It’s Time to Break Up Facebook”: “We Agree.”

CEP CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace today issued a statement in response to an op-ed by Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes published in the New York Times that called for the breakup of Facebook. The statement read: “We agree.”

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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