Press Releases

Press Release

Oktober 3, 2018

Extremists and Online Propaganda

CEP today released a new report that details the online platforms sought out by known extremists on their path to radicalism. The study directly links radicalized Westerners to the extremist propaganda they consumed and/or shared on popular online...

Press Release

Oktober 1, 2018

Neo-Nazis & Terror How-To Videos: The Continued Normalization of Online Extremism

With the interconnectivity that comes with the Internet and social media, extremists who would have otherwise never found each other are coming together like never before – and they’re finding strength in numbers. The New York Times reported last...

Press Release

September 24, 2018

U.S.-Designated Hezbollah Financier Arrested in Brazil

Prominent Hezbollah financier Assad Ahmad Barakat, designated as a global terrorist by the U.S., was arrested Saturday in the border region between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Barakat is wanted by Paraguayan authorities for identity theft and by...

Press Release

September 17, 2018

Terror Groups Evolve as They Move “At The Speed Of Social Media”

It’s understood that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) sorts through terrorism threats daily, but these threats are changing – and multiplying. FBI Director Christopher Wray told CBS News in an interview last week that the bureau made “about...

Press Release

September 14, 2018

Zuckerberg’s 99% Myth Exposed: CEO Described as “Frustrating & Evasive” in Latest PR-Stunt

Facebook was back on the public relations trail this week, as Mark Zuckerberg provided an in-depth interview to The New Yorker . When speaking to Mr. Zuckerberg , reporter Evan Osnos recalled Facebook’s failures to moderate hate speech and extremism...

Press Release

September 13, 2018

Iran-Sponsored Shiite Militias Accused of Attacks at U.S. Facilities in Iraq

The White House has accused Iranian-backed militias in Iraq of carrying out recent “life-threatening attacks” on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Baghdad and Basra. Recently declassified reports detail Iran’s role in training and financing Shiite...

Press Release

September 12, 2018

European Commission's Proposal on Terrorist Content Needs to Protect EU Citizens

The European Commission today released its regulation on terrorist content online. While the legislation is a step forward, it is is flawed in that it gives tech companies one hour from the time a piece of content is flagged as being extremist to...

Press Release

September 10, 2018

ICYMI--CEP Identifies Far-Right Terrorist Group Using Cryptocurrency to Fund Firearms Purchases

A new European far-right group calling themselves Order of Dawn has apparently started a cryptocurrency crowdfunding campaign for their violent “ Reconquista ” of Europe. Order of Dawn endorses racism and anti-Semitism. Specifically, the group is...

Press Release

September 10, 2018

Extremist Groups Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Websites

New research shows that the use of hate speech and extremism online has “surged on shadowy social media platforms” like 4chan and, with “white-supremacist themes” targeting Jews and African Americans. Social media alone is not to blame and web...

Press Release

September 6, 2018

Zuckerberg’s 99% Myth Exposed: As Sheryl Sandberg Testifies Before Congress, Extremists Remain on Facebook

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg testified before the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence yesterday and as expected, her testimony was filled with familiar refrains, PR-laden apologies, proclamations of supposed successes and promises to do more...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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