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Press Release

Oktober 29, 2021

CEP Spotlight: Liam Duffy

Following the October 15 murder of U.K. Member of Parliament David Amess by a man believed to have radical Islamist motivations, Counter Extremism Project (CEP) Strategic Advisor Liam Duffy published an op-ed in The Telegraph about an act of violence...


Oktober 29, 2021

"Joshua Fisher-Birch, with the Counter-Extremism Project in New York City, said while the sentence is shorter than what the prosecution was asking for, it's important to remember that Mathews did receive the additional sentencing with the terrorism...


Oktober 28, 2021

CEP quoted: "'Despite being banned from Twitter and Facebook, Choudary has signed up for a plethora of other social media platforms on which to post ... diatribes calling for the creation of an Islamic caliphate ruled under Sharia law, all while...


Oktober 27, 2021

"David Amess, a British politician who served as a Member of Parliament (MP), was killed by a 25-year-old self-radicalized man on Oct. 15. On this episode of The Hunt, with WTOP National Security Correspondent J.J. Green, Dr. Hans Jakob Schindler...

Press Release

Oktober 27, 2021

Islamist Cleric Anjem Choudary Continues To Use Social Media To Spread Extremist Propaganda

Internationally designated Islamist cleric and convicted ISIS supporter Anjem Choudary, whose ban on public speaking in the United Kingdom expired this July, is once again using social media to spread his extremist messages.


Oktober 26, 2021

"Liam Duffy, advisor at the Counter Extremism Project, has warned the UK is going in 'the wrong direction' to understand how to manage the threat due to a string of common misconceptions."

CounterPoint Blog

Smuggling Away the Future in Syria’s Northeast

October marks seven years since the United States first began providing equipment and air support to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), and later to their umbrella organization the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), in their anti-ISIS campaign...

Press Release

Oktober 25, 2021

Extremist Content Online: CEP Identifies More Instagram Accounts Featuring Pro-ISIS Content

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) reports weekly on the methods used by extremists to exploit the Internet and social media platforms to recruit followers and incite violence. Over the last week, CEP identified 12 Instagram accounts featuring pro...


Oktober 25, 2021

CEP strategic advisor Liam Duffy writes: "But the biblical scenes which dominated news cycles when IS first descended on the Yazidis are already fading from memory, and so far, justice for the genocide has not been delivered."


Oktober 25, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Ian Acheson quoted: "Ian Acheson, a former prison governor who advised the Justice Secretary on controlling extremists behind bars, said the scheme had developed a 'parish hall mentality' and become 'blunted by layers of...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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