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August 30, 2021

CEP Advisory Board Member Ambassador Nathan Sales quoted: "'We should brace ourselves for more chaos and disorder,' said Nathan Sales, who led the State Department’s Counterterrorism Bureau during the Trump administration. 'It’s very difficult to do...


August 30, 2021

CEP Advisory Board Member Ambassador Nathan Sales interviewed: "Nathan Sales discusses President Biden's troop withdrawal in Afghanistan on 'America Reports'"


August 29, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "Der frühere deutsche Diplo­mat Hans-Jakob Schindler, bis 2018 Koordinator des UNO-Beob­achterteams für al-Qaida, die Taliban und den „Islamischen Staat“ (IS) beim UN-Sicherheitsrat, sagte...


August 29, 2021

"'What was surprising is that ISIS-K regularly conducted attacks in Kabul, the center of the operational area of the Haqqani network, the Salafi-oriented network within the Taliban that has the closest links to Al-Qaeda of all the various Taliban...


August 29, 2021

"'What was surprising is that ISIS-K regularly conducted attacks in Kabul, the center of the operational area of the Haqqani network, the Salafi-oriented network within the Taliban that has the closest links to Al-Qaeda of all the various Taliban...


August 29, 2021

"'What was surprising is that ISIS-K regularly conducted attacks in Kabul, the center of the operational area of the Haqqani network, the Salafi-oriented network within the Taliban that has the closest links to Al-Qaeda of all the various Taliban...


August 29, 2021

"'What was surprising is that ISIS-K regularly conducted attacks in Kabul, the center of the operational area of the Haqqani network, the Salafi-oriented network within the Taliban that has the closest links to Al-Qaeda of all the various Taliban...


August 29, 2021

"'What was surprising is that ISIS-K regularly conducted attacks in Kabul, the center of the operational area of the Haqqani network, the Salafi-oriented network within the Taliban that has the closest links to Al-Qaeda of all the various Taliban...


August 29, 2021

"Ivor Roberts, a senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, told Voice of America he thought the move was akin to a 'fox being put in charge of a chicken coop.'"


August 29, 2021

CEP Advisory Board Member Ambassador Nathan Sales quoted: "'We should be worried because when terrorist groups enjoy safe haven, they can begin to plot external operations,' said Sales. 'That that's what happened in Afghanistan with al-Qaida before 9...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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