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August 19, 2021

"Roberts, a senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, a non-profit network that researches extremist groups, said he was surprised at the move. 'I thought from the PR point of view, the Taliban was being a bit smarter than that,' he said."


August 19, 2021

"Roberts, a senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, a non-profit network that researches extremist groups, said he was surprised at the move. 'I thought from the PR point of view, the Taliban was being a bit smarter than that,' he said."


August 19, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Sir Ivor Roberts quoted: "El diplomático británico retirado Ivor Roberts le dijo a la VOA que asignar miembros de la red Haqqani para supervisar la seguridad de Kabul es similar a 'poner al zorro a cargo de un gallinero'."


August 19, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler op-ed re-published: "Still, we should keep in mind these are the identical extremists who imposed one of many world’s strictest interpretations of Islamic jurisprudence for over half a decade. These are...


August 19, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler op-ed re-published: "Tuesday’s press conference hosted by the Taliban promised to usher in a new dawn for the Islamist insurgency, respecting women’s rights and forgiving those who fought against them."


August 19, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "'Sumber daya ini ada di bumi pada tahun 90-an juga dan mereka [Taliban] tidak dapat mengekstraknya,' Hans-Jakob Schindler, Direktur Senior di Proyek Kontra Ekstremisme, mengatakan kepada DW."


August 19, 2021

CEP Advisory Board Member Ambassador Nathan Sales quoted: "'The terrorist group responsible for 9/11 will soon find itself flush with cash looted from Afghanistan’s central bank, with weapons seized from the defeated Afghan army, and with fighters...


August 18, 2021

CEP Senior Director Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "'One of the main problems was that you couldn't get any resources out of the country without a private army to protect you from the Taliban,' says Hans-Jakob Schindler of the Counter Extremism Project...


August 18, 2021

CEP Senior Director Hans-Jakob Schindler spoke with Deutsche Welle's Steven Beardsley about the Taliban's capacity to govern the finances of Afghanistan: "The Taliban have never really governed the country. These resources that you refer to were on...


August 18, 2021

"According to the Counter Extremism Project (CEP), a New York-based think tank, the network has received ‘extensive support’, including safe harbour and access to weapons, from Pakistan’s intelligence services."

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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