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April 28, 2021

"'Under Zawahiri’s stewardship, Al-Qaeda has become increasingly decentralized, with authority resting primarily in the hands of Al-Qaeda’s affiliate leaders,' according to a recent report from the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) think-tank. It said...

Press Release

April 27, 2021

Tech & Terrorism: U.S. Senate Subcommittee Examines Role Algorithmic Amplification Plays In Driving Extremist Content

The U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law held a hearing today on algorithmic amplification and its role in spreading extremist content on social media platforms. Among those testifying were Facebook’s Vice President...


April 27, 2021

"'The counting of how many different groups operate in Afghanistan is more an art form than a counting job since terrorist networks had the habit of changing, cooperating and separating over the past two decades... What is clear is that in addition...


April 26, 2021

'"The counting of how many different groups operate in Afghanistan is more an art form than a counting job since terrorist networks had the habit of changing, cooperating and separating over the past two decades,' said Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler...

Press Release

April 26, 2021

Extremist Content Online: ISIS Propaganda Found On Facebook

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) reports weekly on the methods used by extremists to exploit the Internet and social media platforms to recruit followers and incite violence. Last week, CEP researchers found links on multiple platforms, including...


April 25, 2021

"The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) Report authored by Sir Ivor Roberts titled 'An Unholy Alliance: Links between Extremism and Illicit Trade in East Africa', claims Ayabatwa was involved funding rebel movements in Eastern DRC and counterfeiting of...

CounterPoint Blog

Fishmongers Hall Inquest: Week 2

Week two of the inquest into the terrorist attack carried out by Usman Khan at Fishmongers Hall in London in November 2019 ended last Friday. This is an update by CEP Senior Advisor Ian Acheson of the main events as reported by the U.K. media and...


April 21, 2021

"In one operation last year Syrian government troops and Russian military contractors attempted to clear Islamic State from an oasis in central Syria after a series of attacks on a nearby town. Overwhelmed by Islamic State fighters in the area, the...


April 20, 2021

"Researchers from the Counter Extremism Project discovered content on Instagram from the group. 'CEP researchers located several pieces of neo-Nazi and white supremacist content on Instagram,' it said."


April 20, 2021

CEP Webinar: Extremism Meets Paramilitarism in Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe | Ruslan Trad

In 2020, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) conducted an extensive project, commissioned by the German Federal Foreign Office, on the transnational connectivity of the violent right-wing extremist and terrorist scene(s) in Western Europe and the...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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