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Juni 13, 2020

"Extremist groups used the reopen rallies and their online communities to recruit followers who view government-mandated quarantine as overreach, an important part of far-right ideology, said Joshua Fisher-Birch, a researcher at the nonprofit Counter...

Press Release

Juni 11, 2020

Russian Imperial Movement Provides Weapons & Combat Training To German Neo-Nazis

German neo-Nazis are training with the far-right Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) to gain proficiency in more advanced military-style tactics, according to a report by German news magazine Focus. The RIM, which was recently designated by the United...


Juni 11, 2020

CEP Senior Advsier Dr. Hany Farid writes: "In the past, tech industry giants such as Google have argued that it is pointless to block certain websites because they simply emerge under slightly modified names—thus leading to an endless whack-a-mole...


Juni 10, 2020

Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, CEP Senior Director, discusses the significance of the killing of Abdelmalek Droukdel, the longtime leader of al-Qaida’s North African arm, in Mali.


Juni 10, 2020

CEP Webinar "Regulating Cryptocurrencies To Mitigate Risks Of Misuse For Terrorism Financing"

CEP and Berlin Risk hosted a webinar on June 10, 2020, bringing together experts on cryptocurrency and European Union regulatory responses. CEP Senior Director Hans-Jakob Schindler also presented the latest CEP/Berlin Risk Policy Paper “Further...

Press Release

Juni 9, 2020

Tech & Terrorism: Extremists Online Seek To Exploit And Infiltrate U.S. Protests

Last week, the Washington Post highlighted a growing number of white supremacist and neo-Nazi extremists using online platforms to capitalize on the ongoing U.S. protests by exacerbating tensions, spreading misinformation, and stoking violence. The...


Juni 8, 2020

CEP Research Analyst Joshua Fisher-Birch speaks with Newsy about how the extreme right is using protests as an opportunity to recruit.

Press Release

Juni 8, 2020

Extremist Content Online: Extremists Continue Exploiting U.S. Protests & Civil Unrest On Telegram

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) reports weekly on the methods used by extremists to exploit the Internet and social media platforms to recruit followers and incite violence. Last week, white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups leveraged their...


Juni 8, 2020

"...Joshua Lipowsky, senior research analyst at the Counter Extremism Project, warned that the IOU's teaching risked radicalising students as he urged mainstream institutions to disassociate themselves from it."


Juni 6, 2020

"Kacper Rekawek, an affiliated researcher for the Counter Extremism Project, said that Russia and Ukraine had become important hubs for the transnational white supremacist movement, where permissive government attitudes towards militant far-right...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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