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Mai 8, 2020

"The Counter Extremism Project has also warned extremist groups are continuing to plot attacks. 'The arrest of an ISIS-linked cell in Germany on April 15 is a reminder of that reality,' it said."


Mai 8, 2020

“'Facebook continues to push specious arguments to create confusion and fear among lawmakers in an effort to maintain the status quo and limit the tech industry’s liability and responsibility,' said Counter Extremism Project (CEP) Executive Director...


Mai 8, 2020

“'Algeria has a long history of combating domestic violent extremism,' wrote the Counter Extremism Project. 'Beginning with the outbreak of the Algerian Civil War in 1992, the government has worked to quash militant Islamist groups operating within...

CounterPoint Blog

ISIS Redux: The Central Syria Insurgency

At the end of 2017, the Syrian regime and Russian President Vladimir Putin proudly proclaimed their militaries’ victory over ISIS. Andrew Roth, “On visit to Syria, Putin lauds victory over ISIS and announces withdrawals,” The Washington Post...

Press Release

Mai 7, 2020

Members Of U.S. Congress Demand Extradition Of Hamas Terrorist Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi

Last week, seven members of the U.S. Congress wrote to the Jordanian ambassador to the United States, Dina Kawar, asking the Hashemite Kingdom to extradite wanted Hamas terrorist Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi to the United States. Tamimi is wanted by the FBI...

CounterPoint Blog

The Best TV & Film to Binge During Lockdown

One of the many intrusive thoughts I’ve had during this long lockdown period is how Western audiences have been so undernourished with decent TV & film fiction on jihadism. The ideological struggle of the Cold War produced some timeless fiction, from...


Mai 6, 2020

“'Germany’s designation is a recognition of Hezbollah’s unitary nature – that it has no separate military or political wings as the EU declared in its 2013 designation,' said Josh Lipowsky, a senior researcher at the Washington-based Counter...


Mai 6, 2020

"Groups such as the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) have spearheaded exposes of terrorist recruitment material on the platforms of Facebook and its rivals. While some material can be removed, the response is far from comprehensive or complete."

Press Release

Mai 6, 2020

Tech & Terrorism: Extremist Groups Leverage Coronavirus Pandemic Online

On Sunday, the New York Times highlighted increased efforts by white supremacist extremist groups to leverage the COVID-19 pandemic as a means to advance their radical agendas and attract new members. Far-right extremist groups are increasingly...


Mai 6, 2020

CEP Webinar: "Terrorist Content Online Regulation in the EU” – Roderik De Turck

On May 6, 2020, CEP hosted a webinar that focused on the objective and implications of new online content moderation regulation and legislation and the status of the discussions surrounding them. It also addressed critical issues like automated...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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