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Press Release

Januar 28, 2019

Extremist Content Online: ISIS Uploads Propaganda to Over Two Dozen Websites

On January 23, ISIS released a new video from the group’s self-proclaimed province in Somalia. Titled “Men Who Have Been True,” it commemorates extremist fighters killed in Somalia and includes footage of a man identified as a Canadian, Dr. Youssef...

Press Release

Januar 28, 2019

Extremism Spotlight: Neo-Nazi Book Siege Lives on Through the Internet

Previously, CEP highlighted the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division’s presence on YouTube . After months on the site, within 24 hours of CEP’s release, the content was taken down. Now, CEP is spotlighting Siege , a book written by American neo-Nazi...

Press Release

Januar 25, 2019

YouTube Removes Neo-Nazi Content After CEP Releases Online Findings

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen released a statement today after Google-owned YouTube removed extremist content from the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division from its platform. The removal came only after CEP released findings on January 23 showing...


Januar 23, 2019

CEP Senior Advisor Lucinda Creighton on WTOP

On January 23, 2019, senior adviser to the CEP Lucinda Creighton spoke on WTOP's The Hunt with J.J. Green. Creighton said complacency, online radicalization and tech companies are a big part of the problem.


Januar 23, 2019

“Five Americans were recently killed in terror attacks in Syria and Kenya. Senior Advisor to the Counter Extremism Project Lucinda Creighton says complacency, online radicalization, and tech companies are a big part of the problem.”

Press Release

Januar 23, 2019

CEP Profiles Extremism and Counter-Extremism in 59 Countries on Updated World Map

CEP today published reports on Chile, Peru, and Senegal, bringing to 59 the number of countries profiled on CEP’s interactive map. Each report includes descriptions of extremist and terrorist group incidents, radicalization and foreign fighters, and...

Press Release

Januar 23, 2019

Extremist Content Online: Atomwaffen Division Reuploads Itself Onto YouTube

CEP has identified a channel on YouTube belonging to the Atomwaffen Division (AWD), a neo-Nazi group that advocates for a violent “white revolution.” The video platform had removed AWD’s official channel last March due to “multiple or severe...

Press Release

Januar 18, 2019

Extremism Spotlight: Yusuf al-Qaradawi Benefits From Legitimization Through Social Media

Seven years ago, notorious AQAP propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki was killed in a U.S. drone strike; but even in his death, his works and lectures continue to live on in the Internet. However, after years of advocacy from CEP, in November 2017, Awlaki ’s...

Press Release

Januar 17, 2019

CEP Statement: YouTube’s Delayed Revised Guidelines Addressing Dangerous Pranks, While Virtually Ignoring Extremist Content

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen released a statement in response to Google-owned YouTube’s delayed decision to crack down on dangerous, viral challenges and pranks, while allowing numerous examples of extremist content to remain on its platform...

CounterPoint Blog

Brown Bears Fall for Honeypot: Left-Wing Activists Trick Neo-Nazis into Coming Out

“Denounce your work colleagues, neighbors or acquaintances today and collect instant cash. Help us to remove these problem Germans from the economy and public office.” With these provocative words, the German left-wing activist art collective Center...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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