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Press Release

Oktober 9, 2018

YouTube’s Algorithms Are Radicalizing Youth Faster Than Ever

While Facebook often takes the brunt of criticism for their lackadaisical content moderation policies, as Data & Society’s Becca Lewis recently wrote in an op-ed for NBC News, YouTube also plays a role in online extremism. For example, when viewing...


Oktober 4, 2018

In August, as neo-Nazis rioted in Chemnitz, Germany, YouTube users were recommended videos from extremist sources blaming the riots on refugees. YouTube was also castigated by researchers at the Counter Extremism Project and by MSNBC host Chris Hayes...

Press Release

Oktober 4, 2018

Zuckerberg’s 99% Myth Exposed: Another Day, Another Problem For Facebook

Facebook’s problems recently compounded in a big way, to the tune of 50 million users. Last week, the social media company discovered that it had been exploited by outside hackers, exposing personal information for all of those affected. As The New...

CounterPoint Blog

Anjem Choudary’s Ties to Terror

In 2016, British authorities sentenced pro-ISIS propagandist Anjem Choudary to five-and-a-half years in prison for his public declarations in support of the terror group. Choudary previously led the now-banned British group al-Muhajiroun, which...


Oktober 3, 2018

The spectre of ISIS-linked material on YouTube has been revealed by a high-tech research project that has tracked the terror group's uploads to the channel. The US-based Counter Extremism Project (CEP) found that in a three-month period this year 1...

Press Release

Oktober 3, 2018

Extremists and Online Propaganda

CEP today released a new report that details the online platforms sought out by known extremists on their path to radicalism. The study directly links radicalized Westerners to the extremist propaganda they consumed and/or shared on popular online...

Press Release

Oktober 1, 2018

Neo-Nazis & Terror How-To Videos: The Continued Normalization of Online Extremism

With the interconnectivity that comes with the Internet and social media, extremists who would have otherwise never found each other are coming together like never before – and they’re finding strength in numbers. The New York Times reported last...


September 25, 2018

CEP Advisory Board Member Sir Ivor Roberts writes: "Like the investment banks, today’s big tech is focused on profit at the expense of its responsibility to society. Our research at the Counter Extremism Project has uncovered how tech companies fail...

Press Release

September 24, 2018

U.S.-Designated Hezbollah Financier Arrested in Brazil

Prominent Hezbollah financier Assad Ahmad Barakat, designated as a global terrorist by the U.S., was arrested Saturday in the border region between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Barakat is wanted by Paraguayan authorities for identity theft and by...


September 22, 2018

Al Jazeera: Brazilian police arrested a fugitive who the United States accuses of being the financier for the Lebanese group Hezbollah. Assad Ahmad Barakat was arrested in Foz de Iguazu, a city in the border region between Brazil, Argentina and...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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