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Juni 23, 2016

CEP Senior Advisor Dr. Hany Farid on MSNBC

CEP Senior Advisor Dr. Hany Farid Introduced NORex on MSNBC's Morning Joe.


Juni 22, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller on Yahoo News on SiriusXM

CEP Spokesperson and Senior Policy Advisor Explains CEP's Robust Hashing Technology.


Juni 22, 2016

Once dependent on leaflets and videotapes, terrorist groups now use social media as a chief recruiting tool. Each day, Twitter users tweet an average of 500 million times and more than a billion people log into Facebook. Instead of relying on humans...


Juni 21, 2016

SPY Historian Vince Houghton sat down with Dr. Tara Maller, the Spokesperson and a Senior Policy Advisor for the Counter Extremism Project (CEP), to discuss the growing threat – and responses to – online extremism.


Juni 21, 2016

An article in RUE89 discusses the challenge of combating online extremist propaganda and CEP's new technology designed to identify and automatically remove the worst images, videos and audio content.


Juni 20, 2016

CEP, a non-partisan organization with a blue ribbon board of advisors, announced it has developed a solution that can enable social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter to quickly identify and remove radical Islamic content.


Juni 20, 2016

Since extremists started recruiting online, people have been looking for ways of stopping them. The new solution for online recruiting, appropriately enough, is closely related to the software used to combat child pornography. The endless videos of...


Juni 20, 2016

Tara Maller, spokeswoman for the Counter Extremism Project, said governments have taken strides toward thwarting the Islamic State's social media campaign, but the online war is far from won. "The general opinion is there is a lot of work to be done...


Juni 20, 2016

Some in the tech industry are quietly expressing skepticism about a new proposal to rid the internet of Islamic State propaganda online. But the plan has an important new backer: the White House. — The blessing: “We welcome the launch of initiatives...


Juni 20, 2016

A computer scientist and a nonprofit are teaming up to use technology designed to stop child pornography from spreading across the web to take on terrorist propaganda. Defense One reports on the effort by the Counter Extremism Project and Hany Farid...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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