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Press Release

April 17, 2015

Counter Extremism Project Releases Resource on Far-Right Hungarian Group Jobbik

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) is releasing a resource on Hungarian far-right and openly anti-Semitic group Jobbik following its recent success in a special parliamentary election. Jobbik is now the third most powerful political party in Hungary...

CounterPoint Blog

The Tangled Roots of ISIS

The belief that the Iraq war was a monumental blunder is now widely held. In the public mind, the decision to dethrone Saddam Hussein has also become a ready explanation for nearly every ill to befall the world since. The latest baleful effect...

CounterPoint Blog

Extremists Compete for Control in Libya

The February beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by ISIS-alligned extremists in Libya grabbed international headlines, as did the reality that ISIS’s influence had spread far beyond Syria and Iraq. Since the beginning of 2015, forces loyal to...

Press Release

April 10, 2015

CEP Applauds Twitter Action on Extremist Accounts but Broader Problems Ignored

The Counter Extremism Project commends Twitter for reportedly suspending 10,000 accounts linked to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). According to recent studies by online extremism experts, however, there are between 46,000 and 70,000...

CounterPoint Blog

Freedom of Speech Threatened as Bloggers Targeted in Bangladesh

In February, Bengali-American blogger, Avijit Roy, was hacked to death and his wife was injured during a visit to a literary fair in Bangladesh. Roy had raised the ire of Islamists for his Bill Maher-esque anti-religious writings on his website...

CounterPoint Blog

France Post-Charlie Hebdo

On January 7, 2015, France suffered the worst terrorist attack on its soil in over 50 years when gunmen Said and Cherif Kouachi barged into the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, slaughtering 12. Over the next two days, another...

Press Release

April 7, 2015

CEP Resource Charts History, Ideology of Somali Extremist Group Al-Shabab

The murder of students at Kenya’s Garissa University is simply the latest shocking and despicable violent act committed by Somali extremist group al-Shabab. Striking more than 90 miles from their base in Somalia, al-Shabab gunmen targeted Christian...


April 3, 2015

“The Saudi Arabian leadership has said that Saudi Arabia will go nuclear,” said former U.S. ambassador Mark Wallace, now the chief executive officer at the Counter Extremism Project and co-founder of United Against Nuclear Iran [UANI]. “That may be...


April 3, 2015

“They want to take over the region and take over as the regional superpower,” said former U.S. ambassador Mark Wallace, now CEO of the Counter Extremism Project, a non-profit international policy organization.

CounterPoint Blog

France Targets Islamic Extremists in Africa

Recent worldwide attention has focused on France’s domestic counter-extremism efforts. But the country has also been very active in the global fight against extremism, particularly in Africa. Africa’s Sahel region includes Burkina Faso, Mali...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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