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Press Release

April 7, 2015

CEP Resource Charts History, Ideology of Somali Extremist Group Al-Shabab

The murder of students at Kenya’s Garissa University is simply the latest shocking and despicable violent act committed by Somali extremist group al-Shabab. Striking more than 90 miles from their base in Somalia, al-Shabab gunmen targeted Christian...


April 3, 2015

“The Saudi Arabian leadership has said that Saudi Arabia will go nuclear,” said former U.S. ambassador Mark Wallace, now the chief executive officer at the Counter Extremism Project and co-founder of United Against Nuclear Iran [UANI]. “That may be...


April 3, 2015

“They want to take over the region and take over as the regional superpower,” said former U.S. ambassador Mark Wallace, now CEO of the Counter Extremism Project, a non-profit international policy organization.

CounterPoint Blog

France Targets Islamic Extremists in Africa

Recent worldwide attention has focused on France’s domestic counter-extremism efforts. But the country has also been very active in the global fight against extremism, particularly in Africa. Africa’s Sahel region includes Burkina Faso, Mali...

Press Release

April 1, 2015

CEP Calls on Nokan Group to Clarify Possible Facilitation of ISIS Oil Trade

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) is calling on Nokan Group to clarify its potential role in the facilitation of oil smuggling from ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and al-sham) controlled areas in Iraq and Syria.

CounterPoint Blog

Complexities in Profiling Western Foreign Fighters

CEP has reviewed the details of dozens of cases involving Western foreign fighters and jihadist brides who in some way were radicalized and became involved in the conflict in Iraq and Syria. Given the similarity of the end result, you would suspect...

CounterPoint Blog

Balochistan: Nationalist Movement at Risk From Three Sides

After more than 10 years as a failed nationalist movement, the now fragmented Baloch insurgency in Pakistan is likely to be taken over by Sunni militias. Supported by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan in an effort to further antagonize Iran’s eastern front...

CounterPoint Blog

Digital Developments that Changed the Terror Game

The Internet has been a game changer in many ways. A globalizing force, the Internet has helped to break down the barriers between people who would have otherwise never connected. But just as fire that warms can also burn, the Internet has been used...

Press Release

März 19, 2015

CEP Releases Updated Resource on Extremism and Counter-Extremism in France

The Counter Extremism Project today released an updated resource on extremism and counter extremism measures in France. ISIS’s recent release of a video showing a young boy executing an accused Israeli spy identified as Arab Israeli Muhammad Musallam...

CounterPoint Blog

Grooming the Next Generation of ISIS Terror

In the string of grisly videos released in the past seven months, beginning with ISIS’ execution of James Foley through the February beheading of 21 Coptic Christians, there is one that haunts me most. It is not one that showcases the devastating...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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