CEP Germany

Themen u. Publikationen

Paramilitary Training Activities of Violent Right-Wing Extremists: Threat, Mitigation Opportunities, and Challenges


Dezember 13, 2021

This report summarizes a CEP webinar supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. 

This report summarizes a CEP 17861
Financing of Transnational Violent Right-Wing Extremist and Terrorist Structures – Misuse of Online Services


November 29, 2021

This report summarizes a CEP webinar supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. 

This report summarizes a CEP 17862
Wo Wölfe Kreide fressen – Die rechtsextreme Infrastruktur auf Facebook, Instagram, YouTube und Twitter


November 1, 2021

Im Rahmen dieses CEP Recherche- und Analyseprojektes wurde eine Bestandausnahme der relevantesten Akteur:innen des Rechtsextremismus in Deutschland durchgeführt.

Im Rahmen dieses CEP Recherche- 17112
Misuse Of Online Services By Transnational Right-Wing Extremist And Terrorist Networks


November 1, 2021

The paper follows an in-depth study in 2020 in which CEP, commissioned by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, analyzed the transnational connectivity of violent right-wing extremist (vXRW) and terrorist movements in five European countries and the United States.

The paper follows an in-depth 17130
The misuse of online services by transnational right-wing extremist and terrorist networks: threats, regulatory countermeasures, and challenges


November 1, 2021

This webinar explored the current situation and regulatory developments and discussed the various challenges encountered by governments and industry in countering this threat.

This webinar explored the current 17129
Finanzierungsmuster und Netzwerke gewaltorientierter rechtsextremer Akteur:innen in Deutschland


September 1, 2021

Die Finanzierung gewaltorientierter rechtsextremer Organisationen und Akteur:innen in Deutschland ist divers und breit gefächert.

Die Finanzierung gewaltorientierter rechtsextremer Organisationen 17137
Financing patterns and networks of violence-oriented right-wing extremist actors in Germany


September 1, 2021

The financing of violence-oriented right-wing extremist organizations and actors in Germany is diverse and wide-ranging.

The financing of violence-oriented right-wing 17135
Are you safeguarding freedom of speech online or protecting Big Tech?

NetzDG u. Digital Services Act

Juli 1, 2021

Open Letter from HateAid gGmbH and Counter Extremism Project to the governments of Sweden, Ireland and Finland: Are you safeguarding freedom of speech online or protecting the Big Tech?

Download (PDF) 17160
Virtual Conference on May 10, 2021: Legal and Administrative Instruments to Counter the Threat from Violent Right-Wing Extremist and Terrorist Movements


Juni 1, 2021

The virtual conference organized by CEP on behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office on May 10, 2021, was opened by Simon Herchen, Deputy Head of Division “International Cooperation against Terrorism, Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime” of the German Federal Foreign Office and Ileana Visoiu, Chair of the Council of Europe Committee on Counter-Terrorism.

The virtual conference organized by 17139
Looks Can Be Deceiving: Extremism Meets Paramilitarism in Central and Eastern Europe?


Juni 1, 2021

The report by Kacper Rekawek, PhD focuses on several case studies in the following countries: the Czech Republic (and Slovakia), Hungary, Poland and Ukraine

The report by Kacper Rekawek 17138

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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