CEP in the News


August 20, 2021

"Since seizing Kabul on Sunday, the Taliban have presented a more moderate face, saying they want peace, will not take revenge against old enemies and will respect the rights of women within the framework of Islamic law. But Dr Hans-Jakob Schindler...


August 20, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "'Sumber daya ini sudah dilaporkan pada tahun 90-an dan mereka (Taliban) tidak dapat mengekstraknya,' kata Hans-Jakob Schindler, direktur senior di Proyek Kontra Ekstremisme, kepada DW. 'Kita harus...


August 20, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "Hans-Jakob Schindler, a former coordinator of the UN’s team that monitors extremist groups, pointed out that Afghanistan’s reserves are insufficient to 'run the country in a sustainable manner.'"


August 20, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "These resources were already in the country in the 1990s and the Taliban were unable to extract them."


August 20, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler's op-ed republished: "Perhaps most worryingly, this is the same group that provided sanctuary for al-Qaeda and allowed the terror group to build a network of terrorist training camps, in which thousands of...


August 20, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler op-ed republished: "Due to the Taliban’s close ties with al-Qaeda and other affiliates, there is little doubt that apart from this being a significant military victory, it is also a victory for the...


August 20, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler op-ed republished: "As we face unchartered territory, it is important that the EU stands together as a united bloc, using all diplomatic and geopolitical tools at our disposal, to protect both the innocent...


August 20, 2021

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler op-ed republished: "Nonetheless, we should bear in mind these are the identical extremists who imposed one of many world’s strictest interpretations of Islamic jurisprudence for over half a decade."


August 20, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Sir Ivor Roberts quoted: "Görüşlerini VOA’e aktaran İngiliz diplomat Ivor Roberts da Hakkani Ağı’na Kabil’de güvenliği sağlama görevinin verilmesini, 'tilkiye tavuk kümesini teslim etmeye' benzetti."


August 20, 2021

"Roberts, a senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, a non-profit network that researches extremist groups, said he was surprised at the move. 'I thought from the PR point of view, the Taliban was being a bit smarter than that,' he said."

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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