CEP in the News


March 25, 2021

"Joshua Fisher-Birch, a researcher with the US-based Counter Extremism Project, says these training camps enable recruits with military experience to train others, adding to their threat. 'This very extreme neo-Nazi ideology, the way that they...


March 25, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Ian Acheson writes: "What happens to terrorist offenders inside our prisons has huge significance for their future potential targets on either side of the walls. There have been at least four terrorist attacks committed by serving...


March 24, 2021

CEP Senior Director Hans-Jakob Schindler spoke with J.J. Green of WTOP's The Hunt about hate groups and extremists praising the Atlanta attacks and calling for more violence against Asian Americans: "It's simply an attempt to create chaos and...


March 22, 2021

CEP report on Western Foreign Fighters and the Yazidi Genocide referenced: "Parmi 67 témoignages de survivantes yézidies recueillis par l'ONG américaine Counter Extremism Project (CEP), environ 85 % des femmes ont été en contact avec des djihadistes...


March 19, 2021

"According to the Counter Extremism Project, Muthana took part in vile ISIS propaganda and even urged jihadists in the US to go on deadly shooting sprees."


March 19, 2021

CEP webinar on Western Foreign Fighters and the Yazidi genocide referenced: "Pour l’écrivain britannique Tom Holland, qui s’exprimait mardi lors de la présentation d’un rapport du Counter Extremism Project (CEP), un des problèmes est que les pays...


March 19, 2021

CEP report on Western Foreign Fighters and the Yazidi Genocide referenced: "Ce que semble confirmer une étude réalisée par l’ONG américaine Counter Extremism Project (CEP) qui affirme que parmi les 67 témoignages de survivantes yézidies qu’elle a...


March 19, 2021

"According to the Counter Extremism Project, the Great Replacement is 'an ethno-nationalist theory warning that an indigenous European – e.g. white – population is being replaced by non-European immigrants' through a programme of reverse-colonisation...


March 18, 2021

"The Counter Extremism Project interviewed 67 genocide survivors, many of whom said they were abused or assaulted by western ISIS recruits. In one case, a Yazidi woman describes the involvement of British extremist Siddhartha Dhar, a former bouncy...


March 17, 2021

"German right-wing extremists have organized music festivals and martial arts events to which thousands of extremists from a dozen countries have traveled. According to the Counter Extremism Project, events such as these have played a key role in the...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded southern Israel where, in the space of eight hours, hundreds of armed terrorists perpetrated mass crimes of brutality, rape, and torture against men, women and children. In the biggest attack on Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust, 1,200 were killed, and 251 were taken hostage into Gaza—where 101 remain. One year on, antisemitic incidents have increased by record numbers. 

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