CEP in the News


April 3, 2015

“They want to take over the region and take over as the regional superpower,” said former U.S. ambassador Mark Wallace, now CEO of the Counter Extremism Project, a non-profit international policy organization.


June 30, 2015

A new transatlantic campaign has pledged to challenge extremist groups like ISIS which misuse the internet to spread their radicalising and extremist ideology and recruit vulnerable Europeans to fight in overseas conflict zones including Iraq and...


February 25, 2015

The nonprofit Counter Extremism Project has a petition on its website with the goal of leveraging Twitter to better prevent ISIL’s activities online. CEP CEO Mark Wallace labels the social platform’s current approach as "hands off," citing long...


February 18, 2015

A recent report compiled by a Brookings Institute fellow to be published next month by the Brooking's Institution identified up to 46,000 Twitter accounts that were operated by ISIS sympathizers last fall.


February 18, 2015

But former George W. Bush White House counterterrorism adviser Fran Townsend, who heads a private group called the Counter Extremism Project, which has been sharply critical of Twitter, said the FBI and U.S. intelligence agencies have "plenty of...


February 17, 2015

One group, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) has been working to flag any account containing violent content - and found Twitter has only closed down a small number of problem accounts. CEP reached out to Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, hoping to work...


February 6, 2015

The Counter Extremism Project, a nonprofit formed to combat the threat from extremist ideology, has launched a social media campaign to target and shut down terrorists' Twitter and Facebook accounts.


February 4, 2015

President Obama plans to release the long-overdue document Friday, and counter-terrorism experts are hoping it will outline a robust, multi-pronged approach to fighting the Islamic State.


January 28, 2015

WASHINGTON — Lawmakers trying to limit the spread of terrorist propaganda on social media say they are frustrated by tech companies' opposition to expanded security measures.


January 27, 2015

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris and the rise of ISIS, lawmakers and policy experts on Tuesday discussed whether social media sites should be held responsible when terrorists use them. Texas Republican Ted Poe, chairman of the House...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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