CEP in the News


June 15, 2023

"Bill welcomes back to the show Generation Jihad regular Ambassador Edmund Fitton-Brown. Now a member of the Counter Extremism Project’s advisory board, Edmund previously served as the UK’s Ambassador to Yemen and later as the coordinator of the U.N...


June 14, 2023

"On this week’s episode of 'The Hunt with WTOP national security correspondent J.J. Green,' Hans-Jacob Schindler, senior director at the Counter Extremism Project, discusses how propaganda from terror groups works."


June 14, 2023

"Our team spoke to terrorism expert Gregory Waters, who documents the Islamic State group’s activities for the Counter Extremism Project. Our interview with him has been transcribed below and lightly edited for clarity and length."


June 13, 2023

"Some analysts have suggested that jihadist financing flourished because South African authorities grew complacent at the lack of visible Islamist activity. 'I don't think South Africa realised it. It was the Americans who said, 'something not okay...


June 13, 2023

"Meanwhile, Pakistan remains a major sponsor of global terrorism. The Counter-Extremism Project reports: 'The Pakistani state itself has also used Islamic extremism as a strategic tool to further its interests in the region.'..."


June 9, 2023

"Speaking to The National, Sofia Koller, senior research analyst at the Counter Extremism Project, said: 'The motivation is not clear yet. 'Some media and parts of the public are quick to judge when they see it was a foreign-looking man with a knife...


June 8, 2023

"Speaking to The National, senior research analyst at the Counter Extremism Project Sofia Koller said it was important for the public to stay well-informed during and after an attack to ensure they have all the facts before making judgments. 'It's...


June 8, 2023

"In central and southern Syria the group has expanded its reach, according to the Counter Extremism Project. In regime-held areas the group had its deadliest month in three years, launching 38 attacks in Deir Ezzor, Homs, Hama and Raqqa. In April, at...


June 8, 2023

"In this week’s edition of 'The Hunt with WTOP national security correspondent J.J. Green,' Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project, explains why ISIS is still a major threat even though it hasn’t been making big...


June 8, 2023

"'The pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge has “claimed responsibility for acts of vandalism and fire bombings of anti-abortion offices and clinic,' according to the Counter Extremism Project. 'On May 8, [2022], the Madison, Wisconsin, office of the...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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