CEP in the News


February 20, 2023

"Briefs filed by Sen. Josh Hawley (R–Mo.), the Counter Extremism Project, and a group of former national security officials argue that the tech companies that spread illegal content through an algorithm should not be covered by Section 230... The...


February 18, 2023

"The TTP also links with the Afghan Taliban and terrorist group Al Qaeda, notes think tank Counter Extremism Project (CEP). The CEP says, 'As an ally of the Afghan Taliban, the TTP also fought the US-backed Afghan government prior to the latter’s...


February 16, 2023

"He helped build the group's operational capacity and trained some of the hijackers who took part in the September 11, 2001 attack on the United States, according to the US Counter Extremism Project."


February 16, 2023

"European Eye on Radicalization (EER) was pleased to host a joint event with the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) recently about how Western states have handled domestic extremists and terrorists, the far-Right and Islamists."


February 15, 2023

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed: "In the past, without social media and the internet, if you had some wacky conspiratorial idea, until you actually found someone who held the same beliefs, it was a real effort. You had to go...


February 14, 2023

CEP Senior Advisor Ian Acheson writes: "Shawcross found a prevalence of ‘extreme antisemitism’ in the Channel cases he dip sampled. What’s striking is that antisemitism is an equal opportunities hatred. It is mobilised by extreme left, right and...


February 14, 2023

"'The presence of al-Qaida in Iran is a sort of a chip that the Iranians have,' said Edmund Fitton-Brown, a former senior United Nations counterterrorism official who is now an adviser to the nonprofit Counter Extremism Project. 'They're not entirely...


February 14, 2023

CEP Strategic Advisor Liam Duffy writes: "In his independent review of Prevent, published last week, William Shawcross came to the same conclusion: the overemphasis on vulnerability in the process of radicalisation strips individuals of their agency...


February 14, 2023

"There is an absence of data on violent right-wing extremists' financial strategies in many countries because there has been an absence of targeted and systematic law enforcement investigations. There has not yet been enough current and in-depth...


February 13, 2023

"Research by the Counter Extremism Project found that police sources had been told that the Abedis had to have known that Hashem and Salman were becoming more radical. After the attack, a mutual friend said the pair had discussed and expressed...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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