CEP in the News


February 6, 2022

"David Ibsen, executive director at the Counter Extremism Project, said: 'Al-Hikam should not be permitted to educate young British citizens in its nursery when there is a track record of espousing objectionable and oppressive beliefs.'"


February 4, 2022

"'ISIS has lost its leader for the second time. This is of course a major setback for the group. While important, however, the international community should guard against the risk of a false sense of the strategic impact. Despite the loss of al...


February 4, 2022

"Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) and former coordinator of the ISIL, al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team of the UN Security Council, told The Media Line, 'This seems to have been a combination of an...


February 3, 2022

"'All in all, things are actually looking up for ISIS at the moment,' says Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project. 'They were able to counter al-Qaida pressure in West Africa, integrate most of Boko Haram – by...


February 3, 2022

"Serving in the Iraqi army under Saddam Hussein, the late dictator toppled by the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, Qurashi joined the ranks of Al-Qaeda after Hussein was captured by US troops in 2003, according to the Counter Extremism Project (CEP)...


February 3, 2022

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "Der Terrorismus- und Extremismusexperte Hans-Jacob Schindler vom Counter Extremism Project hält im Bereich der rechtsradikalen Musikszene eine 'Umfeld-Aufklärung' gleich in mehrfacher Hinsicht für...


February 3, 2022

CEP research referenced and senior director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "Segundo o centro de reflexão Counter Extremism Project (CEP), este ex-oficial do Exército iraquiano, graduado na Universidade de Ciências Islâmicas de Mossul, se incorporou...


February 3, 2022

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler: "«C’est évidemment un revers majeur» pour l’EI, explique à l’AFP Hans-Jakob Schindler, ancien expert des Nations unies devenu directeur du CEP. «Bien sûr ils vont devoir trouver un nouveau leader et...


February 3, 2022

"Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) and former coordinator of the ISIL, al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team of the UN Security Council, told The Media Line, 'This seems to have been a combination of an...


February 2, 2022

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler quoted: "Für den Terrorismus-Experten Hans-Jakob Schindler ein bekanntes Vorgehen in der Neonazi-Szene: 'Im Gegensatz zur übrigen Musikindustrie in Deutschland, welche durch erhebliche Konkurrenz...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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