CEP in the News


October 27, 2021

"David Amess, a British politician who served as a Member of Parliament (MP), was killed by a 25-year-old self-radicalized man on Oct. 15. On this episode of The Hunt, with WTOP National Security Correspondent J.J. Green, Dr. Hans Jakob Schindler...


October 26, 2021

"Liam Duffy, advisor at the Counter Extremism Project, has warned the UK is going in 'the wrong direction' to understand how to manage the threat due to a string of common misconceptions."


October 25, 2021

CEP strategic advisor Liam Duffy writes: "But the biblical scenes which dominated news cycles when IS first descended on the Yazidis are already fading from memory, and so far, justice for the genocide has not been delivered."


October 25, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Ian Acheson quoted: "Ian Acheson, a former prison governor who advised the Justice Secretary on controlling extremists behind bars, said the scheme had developed a 'parish hall mentality' and become 'blunted by layers of...


October 23, 2021

"Liam Duffy, advisor at the Counter Extremism Project, has warned the UK is going in “the wrong direction” to understand how to manage the threat due to a string of common misconceptions."


October 20, 2021

"Ian Acheson, a former prison governor and senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, said the official narrative that the far-right is the fastest growing threat is a 'comfort blanket' obscuring the 'patently more potent threat of Islamist...


October 20, 2021

CEP Strategic Advisor Liam Duffy interviewed: "It's not just about punishing terrorists. We should also see it as prison serves the function of not just rehabilitation or punishment, but also taking away the most dangerous elements of society."


October 20, 2021

"'Sen. Luján’s proposed legislation is a crucial measure that will help hold the technology sector accountable for recklessly deploying algorithms that amplify dangerous and extremist content. These companies have relied on algorithms to maximize...


October 19, 2021

"New York's Counter Extremism Project charity says 110 individuals and 33 organisations linked to terrorism also had connections to Choudary"


October 19, 2021

CEP Senior Advisor Ian Acheson writes: "The outcome of this cringingly careful triangulation is a system overwhelmed with trivial referrals, with the hard edges of national security blunted by layers of bureaucracy and philosophical differences...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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