Press Releases

Press Release

November 10, 2016

Paris Attacks One Year Later: Greater Worldwide Effort Necessary to Combat Extremism

One year after the November 13, 2015 ISIS attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and injured 350 others, CEP released detailed resources on the perpetrators and called for greater worldwide efforts to combat extremism, including measures to prevent...

Press Release

November 8, 2016

CEP Releases Report on Abu Sayyaf Group Following Attack in South Philippines

CEP released a new resource on Islamist terrorist organization the Abu Sayyaf Group, known for its kidnappings and beheadings, as Philippine authorities investigate ASG’s murder of a German woman and the kidnapping of her husband from their sailboat...

Press Release

October 26, 2016

CEP Condemns Suicide Attack in Quetta, Pakistan

CEP issued a statement today condemning the suicide attack at a police academy in Quetta, Pakistan that killed 61 people and wounded 123.

Press Release

October 18, 2016

CEP Report Details Extremism and Counter-Extremism in Afghanistan

CEP released a new resource detailing Afghanistan’s tumultuous history and present challenges from violent extremists like ISIS and the Taliban. Afghanistan: Extremism and Counter Extremism traces the origins of al-Qaeda and the Taliban to the Soviet...

Press Release

October 13, 2016

CEP Releases Report on the Houthis, Iranian-Backed Insurgents in Yemen

CEP released a new resource on the Houthis, Iranian-supported Shiite Muslim extremists who on October 9 and 12 attacked U.S. Naval vessels with Iranian supplied cruise missiles. The Houthis have waged a series of bloody insurgencies against the...

Press Release

October 11, 2016

CEP Fact Sheet Highlights Prominent Propagandists, Recruiters, Spokespersons

CEP released a new fact sheet that provides both summary and in-depth information on some of the world’s most dangerous and influential Propagandists, Recruiters, and Spokespersons. The fact sheet also highlights the ongoing misuse of the Internet...

Press Release

October 1, 2016

CEP Mourns the Passing of American Diplomat Joseph Verner Reed, Jr.

CEP CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace issued a statement on the death of American Ambassador Joseph Verner Reed, Jr., calling him a "skilled and dedicated diplomat," and a "great friend who touched many."

Press Release

September 30, 2016

ICYMI: Editorial, Updated Resource Detail Al-Awlaki’s Online Radicalizing Influence

An editorial and an updated resource released today detail the radicalizing influence American-born radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki continues to exert, five years after his death. Al-Awlaki was the first U.S. citizen targeted by a U.S. drone strike...

Press Release

September 21, 2016

Continuing Violent Influence of Radical Cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki

Radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki continues to radicalize U.S. and European extremists five years after his death, accused New York and New Jersey bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami being the latest example. A new CEP resource profiles dozens of U.S. and European...

Press Release

September 18, 2016

CEP Condemns Three Separate Acts of Terror Committed in the United States This Weekend

CEP issued a statement strongly condemning the three acts of terror carried out this weekend in Minnesota, New York and New Jersey.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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