Press Releases

Press Release

March 25, 2019

ICYMI: CEP Senior Advisor Dr. Hany Farid, in NPR Interview, Says Suspend Facebook Live Following Mosque Shootings

CEP Senior Advisor and a leading expert on digital forensics Dr. Hany Farid was interviewed by National Public Radio about tech companies’ failure to prevent the reuploading of the New Zealand attack video. Said Farid: "The repeated uploading is an...

Press Release

March 22, 2019

Extremist Content Online: A Week After Facebook Livestream, New Zealand Shooting Video Lives Online

CEP reports weekly on the methods used by extremists to exploit the Internet and social media platforms. This edition spotlights the tech companies that allowed the Christchurch terrorist’s live-streamed attack to remain online for over a week and...

Press Release

March 21, 2019

Following New Zealand Tragedy, CEP Re-Issues Challenge to Mark Zuckerberg to Discuss Tech Issues With Top Experts

In the wake of the tragic shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand that took the lives of 50 and injured dozens of others, CEP re-issued a challenge to Facebook Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg to join top CEP advisors for a public...

Press Release

March 21, 2019

Facebook’s Much-Touted Improvements to Remove Extremist Content Fail in Wake of New Zealand Attack

Weeks before the New Zealand shootings were live-streamed on Facebook, the company's top executives were touting Artificial Intelligence as key to the company's efforts to improve its safety and security processes. Yet Facebook’s AI algorithms did...

Press Release

March 20, 2019

How Europeans Join Global Jihad

What made Europeans join global jihad? On April 8 in New York, GLOBSEC and the Counter Extremism Project will host an event to present research findings into the pathways and patterns of individual jihadists who joined the terrorism movement, as a...

Press Release

March 20, 2019

CEP Marks Westminster, Brussels Anniversary, Calls for Action on Extremist Content Online

CEP issued the following statements today to mark the March 22 joint anniversary of the 2017 Westminster Bridge attack and the 2016 Brussels bombings, which together claimed 37 innocent lives.

Press Release

March 19, 2019

CEP Statement in Support of Australian Prime Minister’s Call for the G20 to Address Regulation of Tech Industry in Wake of New Zealand Attacks

CEP Senior Advisor Dr. Hany Farid and Executive Director David Ibsen released a statement in support of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s call for the Group of Twenty ( G20 ) to take measures against social media companies in the wake of the...

Press Release

March 15, 2019

CEP Condemns Terror Attack in New Zealand

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen released a statement today in response to shootings at two mosques in New Zealand that read in part: "The attack on New Zealand Muslims today is a shocking and disgraceful act of terror. Once again, it has been...

Press Release

March 14, 2019

CEP: Law Enforcement Acted Quickly, Properly, In Investigation & Arrest of Kim Anh Vo

CEP CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace and President Frances F. Townsend released a statement followinging the arrest of Kim Anh Vo by the FBI, which read: “CEP is grateful to all of the law enforcement agencies whose investigation led to the arrest of...

Press Release

March 11, 2019

CEP Honors Victims of Madrid Train Bombings, Calls for Legislation to Prevent Future Attacks

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen issued a statement to mark the 15th European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism and the anniversary of the 2004 Madrid Train Bombings, which killed 193 people. The statement read in part: “The coordinated...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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