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Press Release

November 22, 2021

Neo-Nazi Telegram Channel Continues Doxing FDA, CDC Officials

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) reports weekly on the methods used by extremists to exploit the Internet and social media platforms to recruit followers and incite violence. This week, CEP researchers found a neo-Nazi Telegram channel being used...


November 22, 2021

"In a June 2021 report, the Counter Extremism Project, a nonpartisan research and advocacy group based in New York, said attacks against protesters using cars are most often the domain of the far-right, although 'some were also perpetrated by those...


November 21, 2021

"Gregory Waters, a research analyst with the Counter Extremism Project, told ‘It’s nothing like the oil trade Isis had when it was controlling territory, but they don’t have the expenses they had before. ‘All they need now is supplies...


November 21, 2021

"Gregory Waters, analyste de recherche au Counter Extremism Project, a déclaré à « Cela ne ressemble en rien au commerce du pétrole qu’Isis avait lorsqu’il contrôlait le territoire, mais ils n’ont pas les dépenses qu’ils avaient...


November 21, 2021

CEP Analyst Gregory Waters quoted: “No se parece en nada al comercio de petróleo que tenía Isis cuando controlaba el territorio, pero no tienen los gastos que tenían antes. Todo lo que necesitan ahora son suministros para sus celdas y pagar a los...


November 21, 2021

"Hundreds of animals were reportedly stolen every week at the beginning of 2021, with farmers being murdered in raids or killed by mines laid on roads and in grazing areas. Some of the cattle is being used to sustain the fighters. Gregory Waters, a...

Press Release

November 19, 2021

U.K. To Ban Terror Group Hamas In Its Entirety

Today, U.K. Home Secretary Priti Patel announced that Hamas, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), will be similarly banned in its entirety under the U.K.’s Terrorism Act. The new policy will supplant a ban on the Hamas’s military...


November 19, 2021

"Joshua Fisher-Birch, an intelligence analyst who specializes in right-wing extremism at terrorism watchdog the Counter-Extremism Project, said the plot was a harbinger of what would eventually follow. 'Extreme right-wing violence continues to be a...


November 18, 2021

CEP analyst Joshua Fisher-Birch quoted: "'Many extreme right-wing and white supremacist groups and propagandists view the trial as an opportunity to spread their message and recruit,' said Fisher-Birch. “These groups and individuals are acting on an...


November 18, 2021

"Ian Acheson, a former prison governor and senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, today suggested research was needed about what was driving referrals and why they were 'out of kilter'. He told MailOnline: 'Nobody can dispute these...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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