

«C'est vraiment bizarre. Un réseau ne fonctionne qu'avec un leader. Il faut une personne autour de laquelle tout s'articule», observe pour l'AFP Hans-Jakob Schindler, le directeur du centre de réflexion indépendant Counter-Extremism project (CEP). 

January 3, 2023
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On this episode of “The Hunt with WTOP National Security Correspondent J.J. Green,” Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director at the Counter Extremism Project, says the warning issued by al-Qaida is unusual.

November 22, 2022
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed: "Unfortunately, this is just the latest incident in a region that is really now a belt of insecurity stretching from the West African coast all the way to the East African coast. And Burkina Faso is unfortunately by now one of the hotspots of this region, which large-scale networks both of al-Qaeda as well as the Islamic operate. Now in Burkina Faso, the main operating network and very likely candidate responsible for this attack is JNIM, the coalition that al-Qaeda built of regional affiliates in 2017, which now controls large parts of the country."

October 27, 2022
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"Former British ambassador to Yemen Edmund Fitton-Brown has said that ISIS could make more jailbreak attempts in Syria and that the country's detention camps are a 'ticking time bomb'.

In a webinar focused on the terror threat to Europe, hosted by the Counter Extremism Project think tank, Mr Fitton-Brown revealed the risk presently posed by ISIS."

September 24, 2022
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Thursday, Sep 22, 2022

CEP Webinar: The Current Terrorism Threat Posed By ISIS And al Qaeda | Amb. Edmund Fitton Brown

This Counter Extremism Project (CEP) webinar analyzed the current status, capacities, and capabilities of ISIS and al-Qaeda globally and in Europe, including Germany, and outlined the current level of threat posed by these global terror networks.

The event was held via Zoom on Thursday, September 22, 2022.

The agenda was as follows:

Amb. Edmund Fitton-Brown, former coordinator, ISIL (Da’esh), al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team, U.N. Security Council and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current status of global threat of ISIS and al-Qaeda”

Dr. Gerhard Conrad, former director EU INTCEN, intelligence advisor Munich Security Conference (MSC) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Europe and EU security structures”

Dr. Guido Steinberg, senior fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Germany”

Remote video URL
Thursday, Sep 22, 2022

CEP Webinar: The Current Terrorism Threat Posed By ISIS And al Qaeda | Dr. Gerhard Conrad

This Counter Extremism Project (CEP) webinar analyzed the current status, capacities, and capabilities of ISIS and al-Qaeda globally and in Europe, including Germany, and outlined the current level of threat posed by these global terror networks.

The event was held via Zoom on Thursday, September 22, 2022.

The agenda was as follows:

Amb. Edmund Fitton-Brown, former coordinator, ISIL (Da’esh), al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team, U.N. Security Council and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current status of global threat of ISIS and al-Qaeda”

Dr. Gerhard Conrad, former director EU INTCEN, intelligence advisor Munich Security Conference (MSC) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Europe and EU security structures”

Dr. Guido Steinberg, senior fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Germany”

Remote video URL
Thursday, Sep 22, 2022

CEP Webinar: The Current Terrorism Threat Posed By ISIS And al Qaeda | Dr. Guido Steinberg

This Counter Extremism Project (CEP) webinar analyzed the current status, capacities, and capabilities of ISIS and al-Qaeda globally and in Europe, including Germany, and outlined the current level of threat posed by these global terror networks.

The event was held via Zoom on Thursday, September 22, 2022.

The agenda was as follows:

Amb. Edmund Fitton-Brown, former coordinator, ISIL (Da’esh), al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team, U.N. Security Council and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current status of global threat of ISIS and al-Qaeda”

Dr. Gerhard Conrad, former director EU INTCEN, intelligence advisor Munich Security Conference (MSC) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Europe and EU security structures”

Dr. Guido Steinberg, senior fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Germany”

Remote video URL
Thursday, Sep 08, 2022

CEP Webinar: 30 Years Of Western Jihad – A Discussion With Jytte Klausen

On September 8, 2022, ahead of the 21st anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, CEP hosted a webinar with Professor Jytte Klausen, curator of the Western Jihadism Project at Brandeis University and author of "Western Jihadism: A Thirty Year History."

Prof. Klausen discussed her research into the Western Jihadism project, which is a database designed to survey al-Qaeda inspired terrorist offenders in Europe, as well the West’s experiences with jihad before and after the 9/11 attacks.

Book available here. Information on the Western Jihadism project here

Remote video URL

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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