

"More than two dozen people were arrested in a massive raid that spanned 130 locations across Germany. Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, Sr. Director of the Counter Extremism Project explains what happened."

December 7, 2022
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed: " 2020, my organization, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP), conducted research into MB networks in a range of countries in Central and Eastern Europe (see herehere, and here). This research demonstrated that while these networks have been growing since the end of the Cold War, their size, political influence in the respective countries, as well as their influence within the wider community, has been reduced in the past few years, and that other, less structured extremist Islamist networks have been taking their place."

November 22, 2022
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Monday, Oct 17, 2022

CEP Webinar: Back from Raqqa – The Prosecution of Returnees in Germany and France | Alexandra Lily Kather

CEP Webinar: Back from Raqqa – The Prosecution of Returnees in Germany and France | Oct. 17, 2022

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) was delighted to host this webinar, where Sofia Koller, senior research analyst at CEP Germany, presented her policy paper on the prosecution of female returnees in Germany—the first in a series of CEP publications analyzing the prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration of returnees in different European countries. 

This research paper serves as the starting point of a discussion on the approach to prosecution of returnees in Germany and France, the role of international criminal law, as well as broader challenges of human rights-based processes of risk and needs assessment, rehabilitation, and reintegration of ISIS-affiliated men, women, and minors.

Sofia Koller
Senior Research Analyst, Counter Extremism Project (CEP)

Alexandra Lily Kather
Legal Advisor, The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA)

Anne-Clémentine Larroque
Historical Analyst, Anti-Terrorist Investigation Unit, Judicial Court of Paris


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Monday, Oct 17, 2022

CEP Webinar: Back from Raqqa – The Prosecution of Returnees in Germany and France | Sofia Koller

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) was delighted to host this webinar, where Sofia Koller, senior research analyst at CEP Germany, presented her policy paper on the prosecution of female returnees in Germany—the first in a series of CEP publications analyzing the prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration of returnees in different European countries. 

This research paper serves as the starting point of a discussion on the approach to prosecution of returnees in Germany and France, the role of international criminal law, as well as broader challenges of human rights-based processes of risk and needs assessment, rehabilitation, and reintegration of ISIS-affiliated men, women, and minors.

Sofia Koller
Senior Research Analyst, Counter Extremism Project (CEP)

Alexandra Lily Kather
Legal Advisor, The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA)

Anne-Clémentine Larroque
Historical Analyst, Anti-Terrorist Investigation Unit, Judicial Court of Paris


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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interview with Swiss TV (Italian) on the 50th anniversary of the Black September attack against the Israeli National Team at the Munich Olympics.

September 4, 2022
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CEP Senior Research Analyst Sofia Koller interviewed about new policy paper: "In meinem neuen Policy Paper skizziere ich die Entwicklung der Strafverfolgung von Rückkehrerinnen in Deutschland. Bis etwa 2018 waren diese Frauen nicht systematisch Gegenstand der deutschen Strafverfolgung. Dann versuchte die Bundesanwaltschaft erstmals, die IS Rückkehrerin Sibel H. für die Mitgliedschaft einer terroristischen Vereinigung anzuklagen. Doch das lehnte der Bundesgerichtshof vorerst ab. Es hieß, diese Anklage könne nicht zugelassen werden, da der reine Aufenthalt im Gebiet des IS nicht dafür ausreiche. So mussten die Staatsanwälte die mitgliedschaftlichen Aktivitäten der IS-Anhängerin deutlicher herausstellen. Sie brauchten Beweise dafür, dass Frauen zum Beispiel durch Haushaltsführung und Kindererziehung, aber auch das Wohnen in besetzten Häusern das IS-System unterstützt hatten."

September 2, 2022
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CEP Senior Research Analyst Sofia Koller and policy paper quoted: "Während die Männer für den IS in den Krieg zogen, bemühten sich die Frauen, dem Rollenbild der radikalen Islamisten gerecht zu werden: einen Kämpfer zu heiraten, ihm zu dienen und möglichst Kinder zu gebären. Aber war das wirklich alles, was sie im selbstgewählten Exil hielt? Einen Aufschluss darüber können die Urteile deutscher Gerichte gegen Rückkehrerinnen geben. Sofia Koller vom Counter Extremism Project (CEP), einer gemeinnützigen internationalen Organisation zur Bekämpfung extremistischer Ideologien, hat sich mit der Strafverfolgung solcher aus IS-Gebieten zurückgekehrter Frauen in einer nun veröffentlichten Studie auseinandergesetzt."

August 31, 2022
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed. 

March 23, 2022
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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