Hans-Jakob Schindler


CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed for story: "Since Hamas was in exclusive control in Gaza after 2007, they won the election in 2006, throughout Fatah by force and weapons in 2007, Israel has attacked Gaza and Hamas pretty much every single year. The last attack on Gaza and Hamas positions before October 7 was in May 2023." 

January 19, 2024
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"A panel of public and private sector experts discussed the findings of the 2023 FATF report on Crowdfunding for Terrorist Financing  which highlights the four main ways in which terrorist groups exploit crowdfunding for terrorist financing. The report also looks at challenges faced by those involved in the crowdfunding landscape, including investigative agencies, and best practices and recommendations for countries in developing a deeper risk understanding of this sector and effectively combatting terrorist financing.
Moderator: Tom Bergin – Investigative Journalist at Reuters
1. Matthew Murray - GoFundMe
2. Hans-Jakob Schindler - Counter-Extremism Project (CEP)
3. Svetlana Martynova - United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED)
4. Anna Nawrotek – Department of Finance, Canada (and project co-lead)"

January 18, 2024
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler writes: "We have seen that Saudi Arabia in the last couple of months has voluntarily intercepted Houthi missiles flying to Israel. We have seen Saudi Arabia playing a fairly constructive role in trying to calm the tensions around the Gaza conflict. So this is, in my understanding, the reason for this policy shift."

January 10, 2024
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"On this episode of 'The Hunt with WTOP national security correspondent J.J. Green,' senior director at the Counter Extremism Project Hans-Jakob Schindler says the discovery of two terror cells revealed what authorities believe was a chilling plot."

December 20, 2023
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed: “It was clearly in the earlier stages of the attack planning, but it was getting concrete."

December 15, 2023
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"The threats - then as now - always have to be understood on two levels, explains Middle East and terrorism expert Hans-Jakob Schindler from the Counter Extremism Project (CEP). On the one hand, it is a clear message to those behind the Hamas attacks that they should no longer be secure in their lives, no matter where in the world they are. On the other hand, the Israeli government's statements are also reassurance for its own population..."

December 8, 2023
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“…However, according to the senior director at the international Counter Extremism Project, only some fighters have given up so far. There is probably an understanding among them that 'things will not end well for them.' Not everyone is prepared to die as a martyr. But Schindler warns against interpreting this too broadly as the end of Hamas. 'The conflict is not yet over. There are still enough fighters who do not surrender.'"

December 8, 2023
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Gaza – The deaths of others are apparently more bearable when you have air conditioning and room service. While the war in Israel continues to escalate following the atrocities committed by Hamas and civilians fear for their lives, the leadership of the terrorist organization resides far away in luxury hotels. “Hamas' top leaders have been in Qatar for years. They are accommodated very comfortably there and are having a good time,” says terrorism expert Hans-Jakob Schindler from the Counter Extremism Project (CEP).

November 20, 2023
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Monday, Nov 20, 2023

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler on DW Deutsch

"The people in the Gaza Strip are still politically represented by Hamas, which rules there. But who are the leading figures of this militant Islamist organization, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the EU and others, and where do they live? A closer look shows that they are well connected globally and apparently live a much more luxurious life than the Palestinians.

We talk about the topic with Hans-Jakob Schindler. He is senior director at the Counter Terrorism Project, an organization that seeks answers to international terrorism."

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"How does the radical Islamic Hamas get money? The terrorist group's global corporate holdings alone are said to be worth at least $500 million, according to an estimate by the US Treasury Department. Extremism expert Hans-Jakob Schindler from the transatlantic think tank Counter Extremism Project (CEP) explains live on ZDFheute how the terrorist organization gets financial resources, who is behind the financing and what the ban on activity in Germany brings."

November 10, 2023
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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