
Violent Islamism Reaches the Caribbean, Latin America

If you asked the average person which Western country, per capita, had the greatest number of citizens join ISIS, few would guess Trinidad and Tobago , the twin Caribbean island nation near the coast of Venezuela. Between 2013 and 2016, however, the...

Germany has acted on Hezbollah. Now the EU must follow.

On April 30, Germany took the long overdue step of designating Hezbollah in its entirety as a terrorist group. It is past time that the European Union update its own designation of Hezbollah and ban the group in its entirety in order to limit its...

March 01, 2019 Josh Lipowsky

Europe Must Follow the U.K. in Banning Hezbollah in its Entirety

Europe has a Hezbollah problem. Last June, Hezbollah flags flew across London as protesters marked Quds Day, Iran’s annual day of anti-Israel protests. British officials found themselves unable to block the protests as demonstrators argued that they...

August 10, 2018 Josh Lipowsky

Time for Europe to Designate All of Hezbollah

Europe has a Hezbollah problem. A year after a suspected Hezbollah bus bombing killed seven in Bulgaria in July 2012, the European Union designated Hezbollah’s military wing as a terrorist organization. But the EU drew a distinction between Hezbollah...

Iranian Influence in South America

In October 2014, Lebanese citizen Muhammad Ghaleb Hamdar was arrested in Lima, Peru. He was charged with conspiracy to commit terror after authorities found explosive materials and photos of potential targets ––including popular Peruvian tourist...

Countering Hezbollah, Iran’s Expansion

The Trump administration recently unveiled its new strategy to counter the threat Hezbollah and Iran pose to the United States and its interests abroad. Despite talk of designating the entire Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist...

Give UNIFIL Some Teeth

The U.N. Security Council recently renewed the mandate of the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), the international peacekeeping force that has been present in Lebanon since 1978. Under pressure from the United States, the Security Council...

Assad’s “Military Solution” for Aleppo

Reading - and watching - the news out of Syria, it is difficult for observers to find grounds for optimism. The “peace talks” hosted by the United Nations collapsed in Geneva before they ever reached takeoff speed. The “cessation of hostilities”...

U.S. Supreme Court Final Hurdle for Terror Victims

The families of American victims of Iranian-sponsored terrorism could soon see a small measure of justice in the form of financial compensation after many years of pursuing legal action against Iran. However, as surprising as it sounds, the last...

The Best of Frenemies

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," goes an ancient proverb. New common enemies in today’s Middle East might not turn old foes into friends, but they may at least create a détente, allowing adversaries to join together against larger threats. One...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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