
CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed: "Unfortunately, this is just the latest incident in a region that is really now a belt of insecurity stretching from the West African coast all the way to the East African coast. And Burkina Faso is unfortunately by now one of the hotspots of this region, which large-scale networks both of al-Qaeda as well as the Islamic operate. Now in Burkina Faso, the main operating network and very likely candidate responsible for this attack is JNIM, the coalition that al-Qaeda built of regional affiliates in 2017, which now controls large parts of the country."

October 27, 2022
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Monday, Oct 17, 2022

CEP Webinar: Back from Raqqa – The Prosecution of Returnees in Germany and France | Anne-Clémentine Larroque

CEP Webinar: Back from Raqqa – The Prosecution of Returnees in Germany and France | Oct. 17, 2022

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) was delighted to host this webinar, where Sofia Koller, senior research analyst at CEP Germany, presented her policy paper on the prosecution of female returnees in Germany—the first in a series of CEP publications analyzing the prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration of returnees in different European countries. 

This research paper serves as the starting point of a discussion on the approach to prosecution of returnees in Germany and France, the role of international criminal law, as well as broader challenges of human rights-based processes of risk and needs assessment, rehabilitation, and reintegration of ISIS-affiliated men, women, and minors.

Sofia Koller
Senior Research Analyst, Counter Extremism Project (CEP)

Alexandra Lily Kather
Legal Advisor, The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA)

Anne-Clémentine Larroque
Historical Analyst, Anti-Terrorist Investigation Unit, Judicial Court of Paris


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Monday, Oct 17, 2022

CEP Webinar: Back from Raqqa – The Prosecution of Returnees in Germany and France | Alexandra Lily Kather

CEP Webinar: Back from Raqqa – The Prosecution of Returnees in Germany and France | Oct. 17, 2022

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) was delighted to host this webinar, where Sofia Koller, senior research analyst at CEP Germany, presented her policy paper on the prosecution of female returnees in Germany—the first in a series of CEP publications analyzing the prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration of returnees in different European countries. 

This research paper serves as the starting point of a discussion on the approach to prosecution of returnees in Germany and France, the role of international criminal law, as well as broader challenges of human rights-based processes of risk and needs assessment, rehabilitation, and reintegration of ISIS-affiliated men, women, and minors.

Sofia Koller
Senior Research Analyst, Counter Extremism Project (CEP)

Alexandra Lily Kather
Legal Advisor, The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA)

Anne-Clémentine Larroque
Historical Analyst, Anti-Terrorist Investigation Unit, Judicial Court of Paris


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Friday, Sep 30, 2022

CEP Senior Research Analyst Sofia Koller and CEP Advisor Liam Duffy in European Eye on Radicalization Webinar

This event is a European Eye on Radicalization webinar looking at the debate over repatriating Islamic State (ISIS) foreign fighters from the camps in Syria. 

Despite the destruction of ISIS’s “caliphate” taking place in March 2019, more than three years later the issue remains unresolved and politically contentious. 

Another round of debate flared up recently after the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) asked France to reconsider its decision to not repatriate two women who traveled to Syria and Iraq in 2014 and 2015 to join the Islamic State, where they gave birth to three children. The French Foreign Ministry said noted the ECHR decision and said that it was ready to renew repatriation operations “whenever conditions allow”. 

To look at the legal implications from the ECHR decision for the states that have put themselves under its jurisdiction, and the other political, moral, and security issues, EER gathered a panel of experts:

Abigail Thorley, Researcher at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT).

Liam Duffy, Researcher, speaker and trainer in counter- terrorism based in London

Sharon Weill, Associate Professor of International law, American University of Paris. Associate Researcher, CERI, Sciences PO Paris

Sofia Koller, Senior Research Analyst, Counter Extremism Project (CEP), Germany.

The event was published on 30 September 2022.

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"Former British ambassador to Yemen Edmund Fitton-Brown has said that ISIS could make more jailbreak attempts in Syria and that the country's detention camps are a 'ticking time bomb'.

In a webinar focused on the terror threat to Europe, hosted by the Counter Extremism Project think tank, Mr Fitton-Brown revealed the risk presently posed by ISIS."

September 24, 2022
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Thursday, Sep 22, 2022

CEP Webinar: The Current Terrorism Threat Posed By ISIS And al Qaeda | Amb. Edmund Fitton Brown

This Counter Extremism Project (CEP) webinar analyzed the current status, capacities, and capabilities of ISIS and al-Qaeda globally and in Europe, including Germany, and outlined the current level of threat posed by these global terror networks.

The event was held via Zoom on Thursday, September 22, 2022.

The agenda was as follows:

Amb. Edmund Fitton-Brown, former coordinator, ISIL (Da’esh), al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team, U.N. Security Council and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current status of global threat of ISIS and al-Qaeda”

Dr. Gerhard Conrad, former director EU INTCEN, intelligence advisor Munich Security Conference (MSC) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Europe and EU security structures”

Dr. Guido Steinberg, senior fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Germany”

Remote video URL
Thursday, Sep 22, 2022

CEP Webinar: The Current Terrorism Threat Posed By ISIS And al Qaeda | Dr. Gerhard Conrad

This Counter Extremism Project (CEP) webinar analyzed the current status, capacities, and capabilities of ISIS and al-Qaeda globally and in Europe, including Germany, and outlined the current level of threat posed by these global terror networks.

The event was held via Zoom on Thursday, September 22, 2022.

The agenda was as follows:

Amb. Edmund Fitton-Brown, former coordinator, ISIL (Da’esh), al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team, U.N. Security Council and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current status of global threat of ISIS and al-Qaeda”

Dr. Gerhard Conrad, former director EU INTCEN, intelligence advisor Munich Security Conference (MSC) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Europe and EU security structures”

Dr. Guido Steinberg, senior fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and member of the CEP Advisory Board
“Current threat posed by ISIS and al-Qaeda to Germany”

Remote video URL

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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