

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler: "A complete ceasefire is unlikely; a reduction in fighting is more realistic. Hamas is fighting for its continued existence as a power factor in Gaza and the survival of its leadership. The Netanyahu government has three, sometimes contradictory, goals: destroying the Hamas infrastructure in Gaza, freeing the hostages, and ensuring the continued existence of the government. Reconciling these positions so that a general pause is possible will be difficult."

March 1, 2024
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed by DW News after the IDF freed two Israeli hostages.  

February 12, 2024
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed for story: "Since Hamas was in exclusive control in Gaza after 2007, they won the election in 2006, throughout Fatah by force and weapons in 2007, Israel has attacked Gaza and Hamas pretty much every single year. The last attack on Gaza and Hamas positions before October 7 was in May 2023." 

January 19, 2024
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"Hezbollah, just like Hamas, is backed by Israel's arch-rival Iran and is committed to the destruction of Israel. The think tank Counter Extremism Project (CEP) says, 'In February 1985, Hezbollah formally emerged and issued its manifesto. Hezbollah pledged loyalty to Khomeini [Iran's Supreme Leader], demanded the expulsion of foreign forces (i.e., Israel, France, and the U.S.) from Lebanon, called for Israel's destruction, and called for the creation of an Islamic state in Lebanon. As an Iranian proxy, Hezbollah's perceived threat environment is almost identical to Iran’s—Tehran’s enemies are Hezbollah’s enemies. Like Iran, Hezbollah considers the U.S. and Israel to be its chief foes.'"

December 8, 2023
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"Hans-Jakob Schindler, who currently heads the political non-profit Counter Extremism Project, told DW that Israel was balancing the twin goals of safely releasing the hostages while eradicating Hamas in the Gaza Strip."

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"Former diplomat Hans-Jakob Schindler, of the Counter Extremism Project, said Germany's measures show that to be treated as a potential threat groups no longer have to openly call for violence.

'Of course, support for Hamas, or attempts to support Hamas, will not necessarily stop in Germany but every time you have one of these bans it makes it more difficult, it makes it harder, it makes it riskier for individuals,' he said.

November 20, 2023
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"Outside of social media, white supremacists and neo-Nazis have continued to use lightly moderated messaging platforms such as Telegram and group-run websites to distribute hate messages and propaganda since the Israel-Gaza war began, according to the Counter Extremism Project, a nonprofit that tracks the groups." 

November 19, 2023
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"According to the Counter Extremism Project the group is 'dedicated to eradicating Israel' and 'establishing an autonomous Islamic Palestinian state' in the lands currently comprising Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza"

November 18, 2023
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"For German diplomacy, the aim is to 'influence all sides to bring this conflict to an end as quickly as possible. In such a way that Israel's security is guaranteed and at the same time a future perspective is created for the Palestinians.' This is how Hans-Jakob Schindler from the international organization Counter Extremism Project summarizes the task of the Berlin Foreign Ministry to DW."

November 16, 2023
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"When warning about civilian casualties from the Israeli offensive, Western governments are also thinking about the dangers of regional escalation. 'Hamas is interested in producing horrific images of dead Palestinian civilians and thereby dragging Iran and its proxies into this conflict,' Hans-Jakob Schindler from the international organization Counter Extremism Project recently told Deutsche Welle."

November 13, 2023
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded southern Israel where, in the space of eight hours, hundreds of armed terrorists perpetrated mass crimes of brutality, rape, and torture against men, women and children. In the biggest attack on Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust, 1,200 were killed, and 251 were taken hostage into Gaza—where 101 remain. One year on, antisemitic incidents have increased by record numbers. 

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