

"Despite those credentials, GiveSendGo, a site that promotes itself as the “'#1 Free Christian Fundraising Site', has yet to boot Pohlhaus from their platform. GiveSendGo was notified at least twice last year about the avowed neo-Nazi and his affiliations to the violent far-right. In September, an analyst at the Counter Extremism Project (CEP), a non-profit terrorism watchdog, contacted GiveSendGo to say Pohlhaus was using it as a platform for making money and establishing a white nationalist community." 

March 23, 2023
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"Joshua Fisher-Birch, an analyst with the Counter Extremism Project, described the network as an 'extremely antisemitic street theater troupe,"' whose primary goal is generating as much attention as possible, no matter the damage to their targets. 

'They need to have this churn of content that they put out there to keep their audience interested and to keep eyes on them,' said Fisher-Birch. 'They're doing stuff constantly.'"

March 1, 2023
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February 28, 2023

CEP Impact: Neo-Nazi Publisher’s Website Disabled

Action by the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) has resulted in the e-commerce platform BigCommerce canceling services to a neo-Nazi publisher that takes its name from the Ku Klux Klan. The publisher had been using BigCommerce as its name server and...


"Joshua Fisher-Birch, a researcher with the Counter Extremism Project, cautioned against prescribing unsolved attacks on power stations to a certain ideological bent. Some of the attacks could have been from people hoping to steal wire, he said, or those who are simply destructive. One suspect in an attack on power infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest that cut the lights off for 14,000 people on Christmas Day said he hoped to burglarize a business after knocking out power.

But ideas about attacks on critical infrastructure are discussed constantly in Neo-Nazi messaging groups.

“There are definitely conversations happening on Telegram and happening in places where Neo-Nazi accelerationists congregate where they are discussing these attacks,” he said, “and they’re saying, ‘What can we learn from this?’""

February 9, 2023
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"'Harris’ arrest shows the international nature of the violent online extreme right, especially the subset of individuals who glorify attackers such as the Christchurch terrorist,' Joshua Fisher-Birch, an analyst on the far-right at the Counter-Extremism Project, told VICE News. 'While many of these individuals are concerned with committing attacks in their area, they are also part of this online community that seeks to encourage violence in other locations in the name of white supremacism.'

Fisher-Birch told VICE News there have been similar cases of online propagandists being arrested and charged for their work trying to inspire far-right extremists worldwide. For example, in November 2022, a Slovakian man was sentenced to six years for his involvement in terrorism and was, as Fisher-Birch puts it, 'an important player within the international neo-Nazi accelerationist online community and spread information helpful in committing terrorist attacks.' Neo-Nazi terror groups like The Base and Atomwaffen have had members belonging to cells located in North America, Europe, Scandinavia, and Australia.    

'The issue is that around the globe, there are individuals who subscribe to the same or similar conspiracy theories and ideologies and feel they have the same group of enemies and either want to take violent action against them or encourage or facilitate others to do so,' said Fisher-Birch."

January 31, 2023
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"Researcher Joshua Fisher-Birch of the Counter Extremism Project told KUOW/OPB that the some extremists were energized by the attacks in North Carolina and those in the Northwest.

'The recent substation attacks have been spoken about in glowing terms by certain members of the extreme right, particularly by neo-Nazi accelerationists and white supremacist accelerationists who subscribe to this ideology where they want to push chaos,' Fisher-Birch said."

January 20, 2023
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"Joshua Fisher-Birch, a researcher with the Counter Extremism Project, a nonprofit that tracks extremists groups’ online activities, said the attacks in North Carolina and those in the Northwest have energized some on the far right.

'The recent substation attacks have been spoken about in glowing terms by certain members of the extreme right, particularly by neo-Nazi accelerationists and white supremacist accelerationists who subscribe to this ideology where they want to push chaos,' Fisher-Birch said."

January 19, 2023
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"'Rundo is a model for his brand of white supremacism that seeks to normalize fascism and focus on a clean lifestyle and appearance, and fitness and combat sports,' Joshua Fisher-Birch, a researcher at the Counter Extremism Project, told Raw Story."

January 9, 2023
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Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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