

"'If you want to break up a demonstration, to toughen up your security forces at a rally, you can hire them,' said Kacper Rekawek, a researcher for the Counter-Extremism Project (CEP), a US-based charity.

'They've been used to target Russian liberals, the Russian opposition, Russian democrats, to simply beat them up. They are used to do the dirty job for others. They're not independent actors in that sense,' he added."

April 21, 2023
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CEP Tweet linking to "Syria: Extremism and Terrorism" report quoted: "With Wagner Group’s presence in #Mali, #Russia has continued to make inroads across the Sahel, particularly in Mali’s southwestern neighbor Burkina Faso. The Wagner Group has been accused of indiscriminate killings in Mali. More on Russia’s interventions"

October 24, 2022
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"A group of experts gathered by the Counter-Extremism Project believes the number of pro-Ukraine foreign fighters present in-country ranges from 'several hundred… to a few thousand.' Fighters from Eastern Europe and former Soviet republics still seem to constitute the bulk of arrivals, with Poland, Georgia, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania among the most frequently mentioned in open sources as countries of origin."

August 18, 2022
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CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler interviewed: "Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler ist Senior Director beim 'Counter Extremism Project' (CEP) und leitet das Büro in Berlin. Er ist Mitglied des Beirates der Global Diplomatic Initiative in London, unabhängiger Direktor im Verwaltungsrat von 'Compliance and Capacity Skills International' (CCSI) New York und Lehrbeauftragter der Akademie für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft. In der Vergangenheit war er Mitglied und Koordinator des ISIL, Al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen."

August 6, 2022
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Wednesday, Jul 20, 2022

Kacper Rekawek, PhD | CEP Webinar: Western Extremists And The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine In 2022

On July 20, 2022, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) hosted a webinar that addressed the major findings of its latest report,Western Extremists and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022: All Talk, But Not a Lot of Walk, including the existing military and paramilitary structures within Ukraine in which foreigners integrate as well as the reaction of the German and the U.S. extremist scenes to the intensification of the war in Ukraine.

Since 2019, CEP has been monitoring the activities of foreign extremists traveling to Ukraine as well as paramilitary infrastructures in Central and Eastern Europe frequented by these extremists. Following the Russian invasion this year, CEP published an initial assessment and recommendations for actions by governments on how to manage this new situation.



Kacper Rekawek PhD – Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX), University of Oslo, and CEP-affiliated researcher
Overall analysis and situation of foreign fighters in Ukraine

Alexander Ritzmann – CEP senior advisor
Travel of German extremists to the war zone in Ukraine

Joshua Fisher-Birch – CEP research analyst
Reaction of the U.S. extremist scene to the invasion of Ukraine


Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler – CEP senior director

Remote video URL
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2022

Alexander Ritzmann | CEP Webinar: Western Extremists And The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine In 2022

On July 20, 2022, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) hosted a webinar that addressed the major findings of its latest report,Western Extremists and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022: All Talk, But Not a Lot of Walk, including the existing military and paramilitary structures within Ukraine in which foreigners integrate as well as the reaction of the German and the U.S. extremist scenes to the intensification of the war in Ukraine.

Since 2019, CEP has been monitoring the activities of foreign extremists traveling to Ukraine as well as paramilitary infrastructures in Central and Eastern Europe frequented by these extremists. Following the Russian invasion this year, CEP published an initial assessment and recommendations for actions by governments on how to manage this new situation.



Kacper Rekawek PhD – Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX), University of Oslo, and CEP-affiliated researcher
Overall analysis and situation of foreign fighters in Ukraine

Alexander Ritzmann – CEP senior advisor
Travel of German extremists to the war zone in Ukraine

Joshua Fisher-Birch – CEP research analyst
Reaction of the U.S. extremist scene to the invasion of Ukraine


Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler – CEP senior director

Remote video URL
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2022

Joshua Fisher-Birch | CEP Webinar: Western Extremists And The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine In 2022

On July 20, 2022, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) hosted a webinar that addressed the major findings of its latest report,Western Extremists and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022: All Talk, But Not a Lot of Walk, including the existing military and paramilitary structures within Ukraine in which foreigners integrate as well as the reaction of the German and the U.S. extremist scenes to the intensification of the war in Ukraine.

Since 2019, CEP has been monitoring the activities of foreign extremists traveling to Ukraine as well as paramilitary infrastructures in Central and Eastern Europe frequented by these extremists. Following the Russian invasion this year, CEP published an initial assessment and recommendations for actions by governments on how to manage this new situation.



Kacper Rekawek PhD – Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX), University of Oslo, and CEP-affiliated researcher
Overall analysis and situation of foreign fighters in Ukraine

Alexander Ritzmann – CEP senior advisor
Travel of German extremists to the war zone in Ukraine

Joshua Fisher-Birch – CEP research analyst
Reaction of the U.S. extremist scene to the invasion of Ukraine


Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler – CEP senior director

Remote video URL

CEP Senior Advisor Alexander Ritzmann writes: "Nonetheless, western media has come to develop a sort of Azov obsession, buoyed by a complete lack of nuance in the reporting around this group. One key factor missing in all of the analyses of the Azov: the difference between the Azov movement and the Azov regiment. The West’s Azov obsession and the inability to properly understand the overall phenomenon has even led to the spread of damaging anti-Ukraine propaganda in the media."

April 12, 2022
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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