white supremacist


"Joshua Fisher-Birch, an analyst for the Counter Extremism Project, told VICE News that Rundo’s arrest is a 'positive development' but it likely won’t deeply impact the 'active clubs.'  

'“Even though Rundo has been the public face of the movement, it is unlikely that his arrest will blunt its growth, mainly because active clubs are local entities with their own local structure,” said Fisher-Birch. “Rundo’s potential detention will likely be a specific rallying call going forward for the movement and allied groups as they seek to create new narratives and expand.'"

March 31, 2023
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"Researcher Joshua Fisher-Birch of the Counter Extremism Project told KUOW/OPB that the some extremists were energized by the attacks in North Carolina and those in the Northwest.

'The recent substation attacks have been spoken about in glowing terms by certain members of the extreme right, particularly by neo-Nazi accelerationists and white supremacist accelerationists who subscribe to this ideology where they want to push chaos,' Fisher-Birch said."

January 20, 2023
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"'Rundo is less popular than he would like,' Joshua Fisher-Birch, a researcher with the US-based NGO Counter Extremism Project, told Bellingcat. 'Rundo doesn’t have the influencer profile he likely wants, which is also made more difficult by his inability to use mainstream social media easily.' ...
Accordingly, Fisher-Birch warns that Rundo is still dangerous and is 'trying to gain a following within the American extreme right.' Rundo continues to shepherd a model of RAM-styled fight clubs across the US and beyond, targeting young men and recruiting at high schools, gyms and other places. In addition, Fisher-Birch told Bellingcat, Rundo increasingly stresses the need in his output for members to be trained, ready and willing as 'warriors' to use physical violence against their perceived enemies."

November 29, 2022
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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