Active Clubs


"In the US, there are at least 46 active clubs across 34 states, a 2023 report from the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) said." 

March 3, 2024
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Content Variety

Active Clubs “promise a massive status upgrade through white supremacy,” said Alexander Ritzmann, a political scientist and senior advisor at the Counter Extremism Project. “It’s specifically interesting for people who feel unaccomplished, discriminated [against], unseen.…male fragility plus a tendency for violence. That is the target audience.”

February 7, 2024
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Content Variety

"Due to their scattered nature, the exact number of active clubs can be difficult to quantify. However, a September 2023 report from the nonprofit Counter Extremism Project identified 46 active clubs across the United States. 

Most of these clubs are unique to a single state, such as the three identified in California and two each in Pennsylvania and Nevada. But at least one of them also crosses state lines, according to the Counter Extremism Project: the Great Lakes active club, which has members in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. While some of these clubs may have less than 30 members, they typically maintain a large social media presence."

January 12, 2024
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Content Variety

Don´t get fooled - The extreme-right Active Club network is not about combat sports

On 8 December 2023, two alleged members of the Canadian branch of the Atomwaffen Division (AWD) were arrested in Canada. In a statement, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said that they participated in the creation of Terrorgram Collective manifestos...


CEP Senior Advisor Alexander Ritzmann writes: "On 8 December 2023, two alleged members of the Canadian branch of the Atomwaffen Division (AWD) were arrested in Canada. In a statement, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said that they participated in the creation of Terrorgram Collective manifestos and Atomwaffen Division (AWD) recruiting videos. In 2021, Atomwaffen Division became a listed terrorist entity in Canada. The statement also highlights that many former Atomwaffen Division members joined Active Club Canada, including the two arrestees."

December 18, 2023
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Content Variety

"Active Club portrays itself as consisting of combat sports groups. Alexander Ritzmann, a senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project in Berlin, said in a research paper that the Active Club’s real purpose is to create a 'standby militia' that can be activated to create violence on behalf of neo-Nazi causes."

December 8, 2023
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Content Variety

"Active Club portrays itself as consisting of combat sports groups. Alexander Ritzmann, a senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project in Berlin, said in a research paper that the Active Club’s real purpose is to create a 'standby militia' that can be activated to create violence on behalf of neo-Nazi causes"

December 8, 2023
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Content Variety

"Alexander Ritzmann, a senior advisor of the Counter-Extremism Project, has been a leading expert on Active Clubs and their international spread. He told VICE News that in the United States, the Active Clubs appear to be building 'a militia that looks like a combat sports network.'"

December 1, 2023
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Content Variety

"In past columns, I have explored the psychology of conspiracy theories and extremism, as well as focusing on extremist groups such as the Boogaloo Boys and QAnon. This month, I wanted to explore the transnational extremist group, known as the Active Club. In September 2023, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) referred to them as a racist group 'hiding in plain sight'. The Active Club network in Canada is, in part, a recruiting front for the Hammerskins, a racist skinhead gang with a decades-long history of violence"

November 29, 2023
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Content Variety

"According to Vice News, a report from the Counter Extremism Project identified ;at least one hundred Active Clubs in the United States, Canada and Europe.'

A worrying phenomenon - The phenomenon is very worrying because, as reported by Alexander Ritzmann, author of the report, 'it is an unprecedented growth. I have never seen a right-wing extremist network grow so quickly. It usually takes years to build a transnational network.'"

November 20, 2023
Article Source
Content Variety

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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