CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler testified before the Committee for International Affairs and Community of Germany's parliament:
CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler testified before the Committee for International Affairs and Community of Germany's parliament on the financing of extremist organizations: [Translated from German] "Dr Hans-Jakob Schindler from the non-governmental organization Counter-Extremism Project complained that there was a clear gap in the knowledge of the security authorities when investigating the financing activities of extremist organizations in Germany. This inevitably leads to challenges in combating such financial flows - not only with a view to political Islamism, but also, as is also addressed in the motion, to extremism in general. There are gaps in knowledge and challenges due to legal hurdles and gaps, limitations on the powers of the security authorities and a lack of transparency requirements for corporations. Significant improvements in this situation could be achieved through targeted reforms in these areas."