transnational violence-oriented right-wing extremist networks

Friday, May 17, 2024

(Mis)Understanding the Transnational Violent Extreme-Right Active Club Strategy | Alexander Ritzmann

Alexander Ritzmann
Author of the CEP report on Active Clubs
Senior Advisor, Counter Extremism Project (CEP)

In September 2023, CEP published the first comprehensive report on the Active Club network and strategy:

Further CEP research looked into the militant nature of the network and addressed the important difference between Active Clubs and other right-wing extremist groups doing combat sports: 


On May 17, 2024, CEP hosted a webinar to discuss the latest developments around the white supremacist Active Club network in the U.S. and Europe. Active Clubs are arguably the largest and fastest growing violent extreme-right network with more than 100 groups in North America and Europe.

The underlying strategy was developed in the U.S. in 2020 with the aim to build a shadow militia. To hide in plain sight, Active Clubs are supposed to present a friendly face to the public with a focus on sports and brotherhood to avoid law enforcement interventions. This less aggressive and more mainstream looking strategy is also meant to help grow the network. 

In September 2023, CEP published the first comprehensive report on the Active Club network and strategy. Further CEP research looked into the militant nature of the network and addressed the important difference between Active Clubs and other right-wing extremist groups doing combat sports. 

The Swedish EXPO Foundation published a detailed report on the local Active Club network in November 2023, while the Dutch weekly magazine The Groene Amsterdammer investigated the scene in the Netherlands in February 2024. 

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Active Clubs in The Netherlands and Belgium | Or Goldenberg

Or Goldberg
Investigative journalist for the Dutch weekly magazine De Groene Amsterdammer

The Dutch weekly magazine The Groene Amsterammer investigated the scene in the Netherlands in February 2024:


On May 17, 2024, CEP hosted a webinar to discuss the latest developments around the white supremacist Active Club network in the U.S. and Europe. Active Clubs are arguably the largest and fastest growing violent extreme-right network with more than 100 groups in North America and Europe.

The underlying strategy was developed in the U.S. in 2020 with the aim to build a shadow militia. To hide in plain sight, Active Clubs are supposed to present a friendly face to the public with a focus on sports and brotherhood to avoid law enforcement interventions. This less aggressive and more mainstream looking strategy is also meant to help grow the network. 

In September 2023, CEP published the first comprehensive report on the Active Club network and strategy. Further CEP research looked into the militant nature of the network and addressed the important difference between Active Clubs and other right-wing extremist groups doing combat sports. 

The Swedish EXPO Foundation published a detailed report on the local Active Club network in November 2023, while the Dutch weekly magazine The Groene Amsterdammer investigated the scene in the Netherlands in February 2024. 

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Active Clubs: The Case of Sweden 2020-2024 | Morgan Finnsiö

Morgan Finnsiö 
Researcher, EXPO Foundation

The Swedish EXPO Foundation published a detailed report on the local Active Club network in November 2023:

On May 17, 2024, CEP hosted a webinar to discuss the latest developments around the white supremacist Active Club network in the U.S. and Europe. Active Clubs are arguably the largest and fastest growing violent extreme-right network with more than 100 groups in North America and Europe.

The underlying strategy was developed in the U.S. in 2020 with the aim to build a shadow militia. To hide in plain sight, Active Clubs are supposed to present a friendly face to the public with a focus on sports and brotherhood to avoid law enforcement interventions. This less aggressive and more mainstream looking strategy is also meant to help grow the network. 

In September 2023, CEP published the first comprehensive report on the Active Club network and strategy. Further CEP research looked into the militant nature of the network and addressed the important difference between Active Clubs and other right-wing extremist groups doing combat sports. 

The Swedish EXPO Foundation published a detailed report on the local Active Club network in November 2023, while the Dutch weekly magazine The Groene Amsterdammer investigated the scene in the Netherlands in February 2024. 

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cep blog active club april 2024

(Mis)Understanding the transnational violent extreme-right Active Club Strategy

In early April 2024, CEP submitted a report to the inquiry of the Parliament of Australia into right-wing extremist movements. This blog summarizes the contribution of CEP´s senior adviser Alexander Ritzmann to the CEP report, where he analyzes the...


"Alexander Ritzmann, senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, said that events like the concerts acted as “central networking hubs” for transnational extreme right-wing movements. 

“They have a social function - [to] ‘make fascism fun’ - and they are used to make money for the movement through ticket sales, merchandise and catering,” he told VICE News. 

Key figures in the right-wing extremist underground would typically meet up around the event and discuss areas of collaboration, including potentially violent actions. Ritzmann said there was no “clear distinction between the extreme right-wing music scene, and violent right-wing extremism.”

“They all meet at those events, where spreading hate propaganda against minorities is at the centre of the action,” he said"

February 12, 2024
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Tuesday, Jun 20, 2023

Transnational linkages between violence-oriented right-wing extremism/terrorism and organized crime: challenges and opportunities for multilateral and institutional cooperation (2023 Counter-Terrorism Week Side-Event)

"During this side event, which is co-hosted by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, the Department of State of the United States of America and CEP, the major findings of this research will be presented and the incidents and patterns of cooperation of XRIRB networks with organized crime in Austria and the United States of America will be highlighted to illustrate these findings. Given the increasingly transnational nature of both XRIRB as well as organized crime, awareness of the challenges and opportunities for disruption emanating from such cooperation is crucial and requires increased multilateral cooperation

The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Week is a biennial gathering of Member States and international counter-terrorism partners. The Third Counter-Terrorism Week (CT Week) is scheduled to take place from 19 to 23 June 2023 at the UN Headquarters in New York."

CEP Senior Advisor Alexander Ritzmann writes: "The investigators usually do not uncover the transnational right-wing extremist networks. Because instead of right-wing extremism, the focus is on financially motivated crimes. Drug trafficking instead of Nazi networks. Right-wing extremist drug and arms dealers are often depoliticized in criminal proceedings."

April 6, 2023
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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