
Usaamah Abdullah Rahim, Conversation with Wright, June 2, 2015

Jun. 2, 2015
Name of Author
Usaamah Abdullah Rahim

“No, my, my goal since when I called you is ah, ah, you know I just want to meet Allah because I know that…the Akhira [afterlife] that is better than this Dunya [Worldly life] and, uhm, since Jihad is a way out and it’s a way to be with Allah and to get out of this Dunya [Worldly life], you know, maybe to be, to be amongst the company of the righteous and because it’s… in this era right now and…it’s not something random and I’ve already gave my Bay’ [Allegiance] so it’s not a random vigilante attack. It is what it is and I have my bases covered.”“Criminal Complaint,” U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts, June 12, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi, Conversation with CHS#1, June 7, 2015

Jun. 7, 2015
Name of Author
Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi

Conversation with CHS#1:

“I have a confession tho I want to kill these kuffar [nonbelievers] bad … When skeikhadnani said we have lions who feed on blood and carnage. You don’t fear death anymore its like walking thru a door for a martyr u know.”“Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, June 19, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi, Conversation with CHS# 2, May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015
Name of Author
Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi

Conversation with CHS# 2:

“… but real men die on the battlefield, I don’t want to die in a cell. I don’t want to die surrounded by my children in my bed. I want to die in a cell. I don’t want to die surrounded by my children in my bed. I want to die on the battlefield. I want to die fighting.”“Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, June 19, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi, Conversation with CHS#2, May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015
Name of Author
Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi

Conversation with CHS# 2:

“Remember something. If you are a Muslim and you have given bayah [allegiance] to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, you are a citizen of the Islamic Sate. It doesn’t matter. You can be from the North Pole. You feel me? You don’t have to be in Iraq or Syria to be a citizen of Dawla, to the Islamic…The Feds ever knock on my door they’re probably never gonna let me out. Once they do the bar graph and all that. Its either die in jail or die right now.”“Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, June 19, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi, Private Google Plus message, February 22, 2015

Feb. 22, 2015
Name of Author
Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi

Private Google Plus message:

“The time grows near when the Mujahideen of the Americas will realize that We will be the tip of the sword of the Khilafah [caliphate].”“Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, June 19, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi, Message board, “amirmuwahid76” account, February 14, 2015

Feb. 14, 2015
Name of Author
Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi

Message board, “amirmuwahid76” account:

“What you all don’t get is that we sunni Muslims love Allah and his prophet more than we love our mothers. We are all Islamic state citizens. This isn’t some gang in the desert you’re fighting. This is ww3 the beginning has just begun.”“Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, June 19, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi, Message board, “amirmuwahid76” account, February 5, 2015

Feb. 5, 2015
Name of Author
Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi

Message board, “amirmuwahid76” account:

“We are here everywhere the caliphate has been established the rise of Islam is upon you.”“Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, June 19, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi, Message board, “amirmuwahid76” account, February 2, 2015

Feb. 2, 2015
Name of Author
Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi

Message board, “amirmuwahid76” account:

“Baqqiyah The Islamic state will remain, it has been established woe to you kuffar [nonbelievers] who aim your arrows in the direction of the Muslims be it here in America or abroad.”“Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, June 19, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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